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如何帮助学生建立英语学习的心理优势How to Help Students Create “Sense of Superiority” in English LearningContentsAbstract.1Key words.1I. Introduction .2II. “Sense of Superiority” And It Effect .32.1 What is “Sense of Superiority”?.32.2 The Effect of “Sense of Superiority”.3III. Educate of Self-Confidence. .43.1 The Content of Self-Confidence Education.43.1.1 Object Education.43.1.2 Ideal Education43.1.3 Emotion Education.53.1.4 Responsibility Education.53.1.5 Frustration Education.53.2 The Way to Develop Self-Confidence.53.2.1 Positive Ideal.53.2.2 Recall the Success Experience.53.2.3 Learn to Admire Self-Worship.63.2.4 Find a Suitable Frame of Reference6IV. Key Elements to Develop and Maintain the “Sense of Superiority”.64.1 Tackle the Tough Points and Move Forward64.2 Foster Strengths and Circumvent Weaknesses.74.3 Remove the Obstacles.84.4 Meet the Different Requirements of Students at Different Levels.84.5 Have a Hope of Success and Achievement.9V. The Training Methods to Keep and Develop the “Sense of Superiority”. 95.1 Foster Excellent Levels of Psychological Competence.95.1.1 Establish a Clear aim of Learning.95.1.2 Establish Deep Feelings on The Basis of Care Given by the Teachers105.1.3 Arouse Students Great Interest in Learning.105.1.4 Temper the Students Willpower.115.2 Educate Good Learning Skills.115.2.1 Train the Ability to Memorize .115.2.2 Train the Ability to Understand115.2.3 Train the Ability to Apply.115.2.4 Train to Study Independently12VI. Conclusion.12References.12How to Help Students to Create “Sense of Superiority”in English Learning摘 要: 素质教育要求面向全体学生,但是目前两极分化的想象仍然普遍存在于中学英语教学过程中,有些学生在英语学习过程中由于经历多次失败,时间一长,便形成一种恶性循环,并导致“失败定势”。形成见到英语单词就紧张 、惊慌、胆怯等的心理障碍。为此,教师应该努力帮助学生树立学习的自信心,建立融洽的师生关系,通过改变自己的教学方法,创设生动活泼的学习气氛,帮助他们排除心理障碍,产生学习动机,使他们树立好外语学习的“心理优势”,由“后进”变“先进”。关键词: 心理优势; 自信心; 心理劣势Abstract: The education for all-round development requests to face to all the students. But the polarizations still widely exist in English teaching process in the middle school. Students who learn English has suffered repeated failures. As time passes, the repeated failures cause a vicious circle. Such a vicious circle leads to the psychological obstacle-“doomed to fail”. Failures shake the morale and bring out psychological obstacle such as panic, depression, doubt, worry, even detestation and disappointment and so on. Therefore, the teachers should try their best to help their students to set up their self-confidence, and build a kind of harmonious relationship between teacher and students. Also, the teachers can create vivid learning atmosphere though altering their own teaching methods, which can help the students remove their psychological obstacles, form their learning motives and the students can create the sense of superiority in English learning. On the other hand, if psychological obstacles are removed and confidence restored, the score can increase sharply, and a weaker student also can be a good student.Key words: sense of superiority, self-confidence, doomed to fail Once there was a high-jump coach. An athlete always jumped 1.65m, 1.67m, and 1.69m with ease, but bogged down at 1.70m. After one year the athlete and other people all considered 1.70m to be his ultimate. However, according to the athletes stature, leg length and explosive force, the coach believed that the bar could be raised to 1.72-1.74m.Why the athlete couldnt pass 1.70m? The ordinary methods such as praise, reward, encouragement, etc. were not successful. When the school games came, the coach and judge conspired. They said the bar was raised to 1.67m, but actually it was 1.69m. When it was got to 1.71m, they said it was only 1.69m. The result was success! When he was told that the height passed just then was 1.71m not 1.69m and a new school record had been created, the athlete said, “I got! I got!” and he laughed and jumped. Later, he passed 1.72m, 1.74m and finally rewrote 1.76m.Why did the athlete take such a long time to pass 1.70m while spending such a short time achieving 1.72m, or even 1.74m? It was due to a psychological obstacle that had developed from repeated failures. So thats why so soon as the signal for 1.70m given, the athlete became nervous and frightened, with legs like
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