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语法部分(四)现在进行时一、现在进行时的含义现在进行时是由“助动词be(am, is, are)动词-ing”构成,表示说话者“此刻”或现阶段的行为。二、现在进行时的基本结构1肯定句:主语+be(am, is, are)+现在分词+ 例如:I am speaking with him on the phone. 我正和他通电话。He is playing tennis. 他正在打网球。My parents are dancing. 我父母正在跳舞。2否定句:主语+be not+现在分词+ 例如:Im not studying. 我没在学习。She is not reading now. 现在她不是在看书。They are not writing. 他们没在写。3一般疑问句:Be动词+主语+现在分词+? 例如:(1) Is she still helping Li Ling? 她还在帮助李玲吗? Yes, she is. 是的。/No, she isnt. 不,她没在帮李玲。(2) Are you listening to music? 你正在听音乐吗? Yes, I am. 是的。/No, Im not. 不,我没有听音乐。4特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+be动词+主语+现在分词+? 例如: What are you studying? 你正在学什么? Im studying English. 我在学英语。 What is Mike doing? 迈克在做什么?-He is watching the football match. 他在看足球比赛。三、 现在分词的变化规则1.一般在动词末尾加ing,如: think-thinking go-going 2.以不发音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加ing,如: come-coming make-making 3.以重读闭音节结尾的动词,中间只有一个元音字母,词尾只有一个辅音字母,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing, 如: put-putting run-running 四、现在进行时的基本用法1表示此时此刻(说话者)正在进行的动作。例如:The teacher is talking with his students. 这位老师正在同他的学生交谈。What are you doing now? 你现在干什么呢?2表示现阶段正在进行的动作,但此刻并不一定在进行。 例如:We are doing an experiment this week. 我们这个星期正在做一个实验。(但说话时并不一定在做实验。)3现在进行时有时可用来表示将来发生的动作,这一用法常用于go, come, leave, start 等短暂性动词,后面也常用表示较近的将来时间状语 (如tomorrow, tonight, this morning/Friday等),表示安排或计划好的事情。例如:We are leaving for Shanghai tomorrow. 我们明天启程去上海。4现在进行时表示说话时正发生的或者正进行的动作。常与时间状语 now , at the moment 等连用。It is raining hard now . Dont hurry .I am writing a letter . Will you please turn down the radio ?Watch out (当心) ! Its falling .Look ! The clouds are gathering .Look at this picture of a busy railway station . A train is standing at one of the platforms ready to leave . Some of thepassengers are looking out of the windows watching the late-comers who are hurrying along looking for empty seats .We are busy at the moment . Im selling cigarettes . My father is selling some sweets .5.表示按计划、安排将要发生的动作。We are going to Rome next week .Mr Black is leaving for Shanghai in a few days .Are you doing anything special tonight ?6用在时间和条件状语从句中表达将来正进行的动作。Ill telephone you this afternoon while Im waiting .Ill think about it while you are writing the report .When you are talking with him , take care not to mention this .If you are standing at the corner when I pass , Ill give you a lift into town .五、现在进行时的练习题按要求改写句子The boy is playing basketball.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_对“is playing basketball”提问:_对“ The boy”提问:_They are singing in the classroom.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_对“are singing ”提问:_对“ in the classroom”提问:_3.仿照例句造句:Model: read, a book-What are you doing?-Im reading a book.1).read a new book_2).clean the blackboard_4.she,the window ,open, now.(用现在进行时连词成句.)_5.The birds are singing in the tree.(就划线部分提问)_6.is,who,the window, cleaning?(连词成句)_7.The children are playing games near the house.(就划线部分提问)_8.She is closing the door now.(改成否定句)_9.You are doing your homework.(用“I”作主语改写句子)_10.they,the tree, sing, now, under.(用现在进行时连词成句.)_11.The Young Pioneers are helping the old woman.(改成一般疑问句)_II.单项选择( )1.我在照看孩子.(A)I am looking after the baby.(B)Im look aftering the baby.(C)I look am aftering the baby.(D)I looking after the baby.( )2._friends making _a kite.(A)I, me (B)My, my(C)My, me (D)His, his( )3.Is the woman _ yellow your teacher?(A)in (B)putting on(C)wearing(D)having( )4.Look!The twins _their mother do the housework.(A)are wanting (B)help(C)are helping (D)are looking( )5._are the birds doing? They are singing in a tree.(A)Who (B)What(C)How (D)Where( )6.Is she _something?(A)eat (B)eating(C)eatting (D)eats( )7.你在干什么?(A)What is you doing? (B)What are you do?(C)What are you doing?(D)What do you do?( )8.What are you listening_? (A)/(B)for(C)at
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