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学校简介Profile of Linqing Minority Experimental Middle School临清市民族实验中学始建于公元1755年(乾隆二十年),冠名为临清清源书院(“书院荷香”曾是临清十景之一)。1904年为州立师范学堂,1919年学校更名为山东省省立第十一中学。著名诗人臧克家、著名学者吴秋辉、张元亨、赵望云、施佩秋曾在此执教,民族英雄张自忠、知名人士黑伯理、黑若仙、黑伯龙、张彦青曾在此求学。学校悠悠数百年,育士抡才,人文蔚起,传续不衰。Linqing Minority Experimental Middle School, which was initially known as Linqing Qingyuan School, was found in 1755. In 1904, Linqing Minority Experimental School was promoted as “Linqing Normal School”. In 1922, it was renamed Shandong NO.11 Middle School. In the past more than 250 years, Linqing Minority Experimental School has cultivated a large number of qualified and productive people for the society, including the noted national hero Zhang Zizhong, the famous Hei Boli, Hei Ruoxian, Hei Bolong and so on.the well-known poet Zang Kejia, the famous scholars WuQiuhui, Zhang Yuanheng, Zhao Wangyun and Shi Peiqiu all worked and taught here.历史翻开新的一页。经过十几年的精心打造,学校实现了由百年老校向“全国民族中学示范校”和“山东省首批教学示范校”跨越的目标。为发挥名校名师的辐射带头作用,有效地整合我市城区初中教育资源,经市委、市政府批准于2009年5月20日将先锋中学并入临清市民族实验中学成立民族实验中学北校区。这一重大调整为临清民族实验中学这所百年老校开辟了新的发展空间,也为学校进一步做大做强带来了宝贵的发展机遇。学校教学设施齐全,教学设备先进,按国家类标准配备了物理、化学、生物实验室、学生微机室。2002年实现了教师人手一机,2003年建立了校园网并实现了多媒体教学系统进入每一座教室。2007年北校区建造了现代化操场及300米环形塑胶跑道。2008年学校为聊城市以上教学能手、优质课教师配备了笔记本电脑。学校现有48个教学班,教职工216人,在校生2600余人。师资力量雄厚,现有“全国十佳教师”“全国优质课教师”“全国教育教学优秀教师”4人;“山东省教学能手”、“山东省优质课教师”13人;“水城名师”3人;聊城“十佳”课堂教学教师5人;聊城市“十佳”创新班主任、创新教师各1人(均为临清市唯一);“临清名师”5人;76人次荣获聊城教学能手及优质课教师称号;140多人次荣获临清市教学能手及优质课教师称号。学校承担了20多项课题其中两项国家课题已结题, 项省市级课题结题,获科研成果多项。2008年10月山东教育杂志以“做思想的引领者”为题全面介绍了学校教育教学改革的成果,校长王玉升同志被评为“齐鲁名校长”建设工程人选、“水城名校长”等荣誉称号。At present, Linqing Minority Experimental Middle School has 48 classes, with over 2,600 students and more than 216 teachers and clerks. Among them, there are 35 senior teachers and 60 first-grade teachers. 82.2% of them graduated from university with undergraduate courses, especially three of them are running for Masters degree. The average age of the teachers is 35.2.Since it was established, more than 40 teachers have been awarded as model workers, excellent teachers or outstanding young teachers of Linqing or Liaocheng City. most of whom are new teaching stars, teaching experts, and foregoers of disciplines and so on, including one of the first famous principals in the city of Huzhou and 13 of the first great masters in the county of Changxing. In 2004, 15 teachers were chosen as new teaching stars in the county of Changxing and the city of Huzhou.Our school has a staff of nearly 300, of which 114 are senior teachers; 25 of them have received the award for Distinguish Teachers of Hunan Province, 14 of them have consecutively been awarded such honorary titles as Outstanding Principals, Outstanding Teachers or model workers at both the State and the Provincial levels. During the last 20 years, our school has received 9 awards such as honorary titles on the State level as a National Advanced Institution in Education, a National Advanced Institution in Moral Education, a National Advanced Institution in Popular Science and Technology Among Youth, and a National Advanced Institution in Physical Education. Also, our school has received sixteen awards for excellent achievements in educational reform at or above the provincial level.Among them are national excellent teachers, provincial model workers, provincial teaching rising stars, and municipal leaders in some subject, etc. The efficient achievements are reached in “Project of Renowned Teacher” and “Project of Promising Teachers”, and many young teachers became the top in municipal teaching.春风化雨,桃李不言。在上级党委、政府和教育主管部门的领导以及社会各界的大力支持下,经过全体师生共同努力,学校先后被评为“全国民族教育先进集体”、“全国民族中学示范校”、“全国民族中学常务理事校”、“全国尝试教学先进单位”、“全国奥林匹克生物竞赛优胜学校”、“山东省首批教学示范校”、“山东省绿色学校”、“山东省地震科普示范校”、“聊城市规范化学校”、“聊城市文明单位”、“聊城市德育工作先进集体”、“ “聊城市工会先进集体”、 “聊城市校本培训示范校”“聊城市平安和谐校园示范校”、 聊城市“教育科研示范校”、聊城市普通话示范校”、“临清市先进党支部”,连续十年荣获“临清市教书育人重大贡献奖”。The school has been awarded the Shanghai Model Unit in a row for four times, the Model School for Middle Students Daily Discipline in Shanghai, the Garden Unit in Shanghaiso on. The school is also the base of National Foreign Language Educational Experiment, the base of InformationTechnology Experiment in China, the base of the Second Syllabus Reform in Shanghaithe base of Shanghai Creative Education.In 2004, Shengsi High School was rewarded as “Advanced collective of Science and Technology of Primary and Secondary School of Zhoushan”, “Advanced collective of Art of Primary and Secondary School of Zhoushan ” and “Advanced Unit of the School MilitaryTraining of Zhoushan” by Education Bureau of Zhoushan. In 2005, it was rewarded as “Advanced collective of Education Equipment of Primary and Secondary School of Zhejiang Province” by Provincial Education Department, “Excellent Unit of the School Assessment of High School of Zhoushan” by Municipal Education Bureau; in 2006, It was also rewarded as “Superior School in group B of The Students Chemistry Competition of Provincial High School” by Provincial Chemistry Association, “ Mun
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