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注释:翻译评分标准:1. 第1题3分,第24题,每题4分;第5题5分。2. 在每题中,单词拼写、标点符号、大小写错误累计每两处扣1分。3. 语法错误每处扣1分。 每句同类语法错误不重复扣分。4. 译文没有用所给单词,扣1分。宝山1. 班长昨天班会课没来。(absent)2. 为了赶上其他同学,他正在努力改正自己学习中的坏习惯。(cure)3. 毫无疑问,老师挑你作业里的毛病是为了帮助你取得更大的进步。(fault)4. 虽然已筋疲力尽,他们还是继续搜寻事故中的幸存者。(tire)5. 我们只有面对现实,认真分析形势,才能找到解决问题的办法。(Only )Keys:1. The monitor was absent from/ the class meeting /yesterday/yesterdays class meeting.2. In order to/To catch up with other students, /he is trying to /cure himself of bad habits /in his study.3. There is no doubt that /the teacher finds fault with your homework/exercises /in order to/so as to/to help you/ make greater progress.4. Although (they were) tired out, /they still continued to /search for the survivors/in the accident.5. Only by /facing the reality /and analyzing the situation seriously /can we find /the solution to the problem.长宁1. 来信要求对这一案件进行进一步的调查。(call for)2. 去诊所看病通常没有去医院看病那么贵。 (expensive)3. 开展一项新业务时,有许多困难需要解决。(deal)4. 这个病人的死,毫无疑问是医生治疗不当造成的。(death)5. 孩子们从小就不得不在学业上竞争,这就给他们带来了日益增加的精神压力。(which)Keys:1. The letter calls / called for a further investigation of the case.2. It is often less expensive to see a doctor in a clinic than in a hospital. Seeing a doctor in a clinic is often less expensive in a hospital.3. There are many difficulties to deal with / to be dealt with when starting a new business.4. There is no doubt that the death of the patient resulted from / was caused by the doctors improper treatment.5. Kids have to compete academically (in study/ studying / school work / schooling) when they are very young, which brings them an increasing mental pressure.崇明1. 请尽快对我们的计划作出评论。(comment)2. 今天下午我太累了,就取消了和Smith先生的约会。(soas to)3. 除非你听从李教授昨天给你的忠告,否则你将一事无成。(unless)4. 他感到遗憾的是为了完成这个研究,他连陪女儿的时间都没有。(company)5. 直到第四代苹果手机(iPhone 4)的出现,人们才意识到它已经给手机领域带来了巨大的变化。(Not until)Keys:1. Please comment/make comments on our plan as soon as possible.2. I was so tired this afternoon as to cancel the appointment with Mr. Smith.3. You will achieve nothing unless you follow the advice (that/which) Professor Li gave you yesterday.4. He feels it a pity that in order to finish the research he has no time to keep his daughter company.5. Not until iPhone4 appeared, did people realize that it had brought great changes to the field of mobile phones.虹口1. 由谁来为这次事故承担责任?(blame)2. 高速铁路的发展使我们的出行更便捷了。(it)3. 应当鼓励年轻人自己解决他们面临的问题。(face)4. 这些建设工程旨在降低人们的生活成本,并改善他们的生活条件。(aim)5. 人们对像手机和电脑这样的电子产品早已司空见惯,以致于很难想象没有它们生活会变成什么样。(suchas)Keys:1. Who is to blame for this accident?2. The development of high-speed railway has made it more convenient for us to travel around.3. Young people should be encouraged to solve the problems that they are faced with by themselves.4. These construction projects / projects of construction aim to reduce peoples living costs and (to) improve their living conditions.5. People are so used to such electronic products as mobile phones and computers that it is hard to imagine what life would be like without them.黄浦1. 他决定重新考虑这个计划。(decide)2. 经常和你的父母交流可以缩小你们之间的代沟。(narrow) 3. 他最近忙于找工作,结果没有通过期末考试,这让他的老师很生气。(which)4. 在你的演讲中增加一些科学数据,听众会更清醒地认识到环境污染的严重后果。(and)5. Jenny非常希望她的父母能允许她独自一人去日本旅游,但令她失望的是,他们不同意,还给出了N条理由。(anxious)Keys:1. He decided to consider the plan again / reconsider the plan.2. Communicating / To communicate / Communication with your parents often/ from time to time can narrow the generation gap (between you).3. He was so busy (in) looking for a job these days that he failed to pass the final exam, which annoyed his teacher.4. Add some scientific data to your speech, and the audience / listeners will become more (clearly) conscious / aware of the serious effect of environmental pollution.5. Jenny was anxious for her parents to allow her to travel around / in Japan alone / on her own, but to her disappointment, they disagreed, giving / and gave / with several reasons.静安1. 我们在国外旅游时应遵守当地的风俗。(observe)2. 他们毫不费力第就找到了那位好心人。(difficulty)3. 在中学就读的学生可以自由选择他们所喜爱的课程。(free)4. 这条马路何时通车还不清楚。(It)5. 这种药品不如广告上说得那么有效,因为他服了药后,远没有缓解他的咳嗽。(claim)Keys:1. When traveling abroad, /When we are traveling abroad, we should observe the local customs.2. They had no difficulty finding the warm-hearted man/person.3. Are students (who study ) in high schools free to choose their favourite courses?4. It is not clear/obvious when the road is to be opened to traffic.5. The medicine was not so effective as it was claimed in the advertisement, for it was far from relieving his cough after he took it.卢湾1. 在公共场所吸烟是违法的。(illegal)2. 我在全神贯注地看书,没有听到手机在响。(absorb)3. 互联网是个人电脑发明以来最重要的进步。(since)4. 从事值得做的工作会给人以精神上的满足感。(worth)5. 中国达人秀(China Talent Show) 吸引了成千上万名各个年龄层的人,因为它给普通人以展示自我的机会。(because)Keys:1. It is illegal to smoke in public areas.2. I was so absorbed in reading that I didnt hear my cell phone ringing.3. The Internet is the most important development since the creation/invention of the personal co
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