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Chapter 5 Application letter & Resume Part II Letters of Application (for a job),Why we need to write job application letters?,When a job is offered and you want it, you need to write an application letter. When you take the initiative to inquire if there would be any position /opening/vacancy available . Good letter-Good impressionInterview-Employment. Therefore , you should write it carefully and successfully and leave a very good impression.,Three sections to be included in the body of this letter?,Section: You start the letter in the following ways: Mention the job applied for and tell why you want it. Inquire whether there is a certain vacancy and tell you would like to work there.,I should like to apply for the post ofwhich you advertised in todays issue of Through , I have learned that you are hiring I was interested to read in the magazine ofthat . I would like to be considered as a candidate foradvertised in/I have just seen in the Im writing to explore the possibility of working in your company Im writing to inquire whether there is / you need.,Section Provide information about yourself as follows: -personal background; -education; -academic qualifications; -work experience; -additional information about personal skills and specific training.,Section At the end of the letter, you may 1) express your wish to be interviewed or to be connected. 2) possibly mention your expected salary but cautiously (better not to mention) . e.g. I should like to join your organization, it would not be advisable for me to do so for less than 3,000 which is my present salary. 3) ask to be offered information or application forms. 4) state you enclose your resume in the letter. 5) say thanks.,More Expressions for Applying for a Job,I am seeking /interested in a challenging position in your firm. I wish to apply for the post/position as. Please consider my qualifications and experience when you select applicants for If such experience would be valuable to your office, I I feel Im well qualified tofor the following reasons. I am a trainedwhich enables me to fit the post you are advertising for. I hold the qualification certificates of,Sample 1,(HEADING) (INSIDE ADDRESS) Dear Sir or Madam, Im writing to you to inquire if there would be any position available for me to work as an English teacher in your department. Please allow me to give you my brief reference. Im looking forward to your kind early reply. (or Your kind early reply would be very much appreciated.) If you need any further information, please feel free to ask. Many thanks. Yours sincerely, Wang Ming,Sample 2,6 Peace Road Zhongshan District Fuzhou, Fujian June 2, 2001 Ms Kelly Hendrady Personnel Manager Standard Clothing Corporation Room 506, Jian Building Beijing, 100089 Dear Ms Hendrady: I would like to be considered for the post of sales representative with your corporation, as advertised in the May 28 edition of the China Daily. I had successfully completed the courses directly related to marketing four years ago. In these courses, I had acquired skills in marketing, management relations and communication. This background enables me to work effectively with employees, customers and the general public.,As a graduate from the Foreign Trade University, I feel very confident that I can meet your special requirements that the candidate must have a high command of English, for I had got an excellent score in TOEFL. Furthermore, I learned to communicate well with English speaking customers when I worked as a salesman with the Great Wall Corporation Limited. The main reason for changing my employment is to gain more experience with a company of outstanding international reputation such as yours. I believe that my education and experience will prove useful for work in your office. Enclosed are my resume and three photos. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualification with you. Would you please write to let me know a convenient time for you to talk with me? Sincerely yours, (Miss) Diana Zhang,Exercise:,Directions: Write a letter of application according to the information given in the following outline in Chinese. 1.你看到昨天报纸上刊登的广告招聘公司部门经理。你本人认为自己符合要求。 2.你的年龄、学习和工作经历。 3.你想应聘此职位的原因。 4.你的联系方法。,Dear Sir, I wish to apply for the position you posted in yesterdays People Daily. I feel I am competent enough to meet all the requirements that you have specified. I am thirty-three years old. After graduating from Tsinghua University in 1987, I spent most my time investigating the market for P & G Co. Then after a period of accumulated working experience, I was promoted to the position of production manager, and I have worked five years in this company. Now, I would like to hold a position that requires greater individual responsibility and more team-work spirit, just as you indicated in the newspaper. If you are interes
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