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2012最新BEC高级重点词汇解析abandon rate 挂断率(衡量客户服务质量的指标之一,计算方式为:拨入客户服务中心的电话总数中客户因等候时间过长而挂断的电话数目占总数的百分比)例: By choosing the right on-hold music, the company has reduced abandon rate by 50%.absenteeism 旷工,缺勤例:Improvements in working conditions helped to reduce levels of absenteeism.absolute interest 绝对产权,绝对权益例:The company has an absolute interest in the building.academic intelligence 学术方面的才智例:Phrases such as solves problems well,displays interest in the world at large,accepts others for what they are,admits mistakes,is goal oriented, and converses well suggest that people focus on the worldly side of intelligence, as opposed to just academic intelligence.academic smarts 学术方面的才能例:Its not the usual way of thinking about it - academic smarts-IQaccelerated learning 速成学习例:Accelerated learning shows that language learning an be fast, effective and enjoyable.access 1 使用,享用权例1: Access to these files is restricted. 2 : Students have free access to the librarys scientific literature.access 2 进入例:Its acquisition of the group will allow it to gain access to Frances railway business.accommodation address 临时通信地址例:Please write to my accommodation address.account 1. 账户例:When the debt is cleared- as it must be by the time the customer retires- and the account goes into credit, it will attract interest at about 5 per cent.account 2. 客户,生意往来关系例:The firm is one of our major accounts.accountancy 会计工作例: To her, accountancy was a means to find out about business and be paid at the same time.act of God 不可抗力, 天灾, 亦作 force majeure.例1. Private householders or businessmen insure against burglary, loss or damage by vandalism or acts of God.例2. The insurance policy does not cover acts of God.actuals 实际数字(相对于估计的数目)例: These are the actuals for last years turnover.actuary 精算师(受雇于保险公司或退休基金公司,根据死亡率和意外事故、火灾、盗窃等的可能性,估计保险风险和费用)例:Actuaries spend their time working out whether or not an accident will happen and how much it will cost if it does.adaptation 重新打造以适应本土化例1:Adaptation may need to be made in branding, labeling, and packaging of the product.例2:Potential risk refers to the level of adaptation required to enter foreign markets.added value 增加值,增值例:An important aspect of marketing goods like CD players and televisions is possible added value, such as free videos or CDs.addition (某一产品系列中的)新增产品例:The KR 700 is the latest addition to our range of fax machines.Additional Benefit Funding 附加福利基金(专款)例:You will be able to use as much as you like of your Additional Benefit Funding to buy benefits.advance 预付款, 垫款例: I asked for an advance on my salary.advanced orders 预订货量例: The development of the game has taken two years but advanced orders are impressive.advancement 进步例: Businesses established in foreign countries should contribute to the social advancement of those countries.advance publicity 前期宣传例: The product has sold well considering it was not given much advance publicity.advance reservation clerk (酒店)客房预订接待员例:These major sectors are telecomms, IT, agro-industry and what is termed welfare.air freight operator 空运公司例:This air freight operator has no travel service.airline 航空公司例:I flew with my favourite airline as always.airline business 航空业务例:Cathay Pacific(国泰航空公司) is in the airline business.advisory service 咨询服务例:The bank provides a financial advisory service for all its clients.aero (车辆等)流线型的例:We lowered the front end for more visibility, and softened the lines for a more aero look.affiliation 1 联营公司例: We have a number of affiliations throughout the country.affiliation 2 附属机构例: Please put your name, address and affiliation.accounts 账目例:The financial director was accused of falsifying the company accounts.accounts 会计部门 即 accounts department例: She works in accounts.accounts payable 应付账款例: Accounts payable is created when a firm deals with suppliers who extend credit.accounts receivable 应收账款例: Assets include cash, accounts receivable, inventory, property and equipment, and patents.achievable 切实可行的,可达到的例: Your objectives should be relevant to the job you have applied for and achievable.Backup 为做备份,亦作back upe.g. You can backup accounting records, business plans charts, graphs or confidential information on CDs for decades-safe and secure. 你可以把帐目记录,业务计划,图表或机密情报备份到光盘上,可保证数十年安然无恙。Back-up facility 支持设备,辅助设备e.g. The latest development is the use of the virtual office to provide essential back-up facilities to the self-employed. 目前,虚拟办公室的最新进展是被用来为个体经营者提供基本的支持设备。Bad debt 坏帐, 呆帐, 倒账(无法收回的应收账款)e.g. The bank wrote off one million pounds in bad debt. 银行注销了100万的呆帐。Bad publicity 负面影响e.g. When they started to raise prices, they might create bad publicity, which would hurt their brands. 当他们开始提价时,就可能造成负面宣传,损害其品牌。Baggage allowance 行李重量限额e.g. If the boss is traveling with a lot of heavy equipment he will proba
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