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一、短语翻译1. _适应; 调节 2. _保持优秀成绩; 继续干下去3. _ 相适应;相融和 4. _ 就而言5. _ 忙着做; 忙于某事物 6. _ 日复一日7. _ 不可能的; 不值得讨论的 8. _ 安顿下来9. _ 为做准备 10. _ 毫无疑问二、灵活运用,用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I bought this computer on Johns _ (recommend).2. Were it not for modern science and technology, we could not live a _ (comfort) life. 3. It is a fact that Chinese middle school students are often _ (occupy) with their homework and seldom have time for sports.4. What students aim at should no longer be their _ (academy) performances, but their practical ability. 5. Mr. Wu said to his students, “Youd better make full _ (prepare) for the final exam.” 6. When leaving,dont forget to show your _ (acknowledge) to the host. 三、Language points1、Xie Lei, who is 21 years old, has come to our university to study for a business qualification. (para2 L11) 今年21岁的谢蕾已经来到我们大学攻读工商管理资格证书。qualification n. 资格; 资历搭配 be qualified for sth. 有的资格; 胜任 a qualification certificate 资格证书 ones academic qualification 学历 运用 用所给词的适当形式填空。 Hes got all the _ (qualify) but is temperamentally unsuitable. I think she is well _ (qualify) for the job because she has five years experience. 2、 Its a great comfort to have a substitute family to be with. 这是一种极大的安慰, 有一个家的替身可以呆在一起。(B7 P38)substitute n. 代替者; 代用品v. 替代; 替代搭配: substitute A for B 用A代替B substitute B with A 用A代替B substitute for.代替; 取代(=take the place of)运用 根据汉语提示完成句子。 Since Ive got a pile of things to attend to, can you _ _ (代替我去开会)? It must be kept in mind that _ _(母爱无法替代). 4、 句型仿写1、I had to learn how to use the phone, how to pay bus fare, and how to ask a shopkeeper for things I didnt know the English for. 我必须学会怎样使用电话 在公共汽车上怎样付车费, 并且叫店主拿那些我不会用英语表达的东西。(B7 P38)句型: 主语+谓语+疑问词+to do sth.仿写 Have you ever considered _ _ (去哪里) this weekend? It is said that many young people do not know _ (怎么办) when natural disasters come. it is a big headache for some parents _ (怎样与孩子相处).2、Besides, as far as he was concerned, what other people thought was not the most important thing. 此外,他认为别人的想法并不是最重要的。(B7 P38)句型:as far as sb / sth be concerned就而言/所知/看来说明: 本句型用来引出个人的观点与看法, 在写作中非常实用。仿写 根据汉语提示完成下列英文句子。 _ (在她看来), there is nothing more important than friendships that endure, especially in a world that insists on changing.(2) All in all, there is still much room for improvement _ (就自助餐厅来说). 5、 语言知识运用1. 我被北京一所重点大学录取了。 2. 就我而言, 我很高兴终于实现了自己的梦想。 3. 我忙于准备去北京读大学。 4. 我告别了家人及其他亲戚。 5. 我踏上了去北京的火车。 6. 一开始, 我不能适应新环境。 7. 我遇到了各种各样的困难。 8我不知道该这么办。 9. 后来, 我适应能力强了, 感觉就像在家里一样。
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