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一常用短语复习1_上/下(车、船等) 2_上(车);进入,陷入;养成的习惯3_下(车);出去;逃避 4_是的缩写/简称5_以的速度 6_(飞机)起飞;变得成功;脱掉(衣服)7_不再 8_过时9_指的是;查阅;涉及;提到 10_在20世纪30年代11_多于,不仅仅 12_向射击Key:get on/off,get into,get out of,be short for,at a speed of,take off,not.any more,out of date, refer to,in the1930s/1930s,more than,shoot at.二.重点句型1Where _ most of the people live, in the central part of the country or on the coast? 你认为大多数人生活在哪里,国家的中部还是沿海?2_! 多棒的旅程啊!_ girl she is!AWhat clever BHow clever CWhat clever a DHow clever a D3The Afghans and their camels did this _ the 1920s.直到20世纪20年代,阿富汗人和他们的骆驼还在做着这样的工作。4_me your ticket?_ your ticket? 请出示你的票好吗?5.We _ Sydney and we _ in Alice Springs, right _ Australia, _ four thousand kilometers _6.Ghan _ Afghanistan.7. In 1925, they passed a law which _ people _ shoot the animals if they _a problemKey:do you think,And what a ride! Until. Would you mind; showing; if I saw.got on in,got off,in the middle of ,more than,away. is short for. Allowed,to,were 三. 重难点讲解1. take off vt.(1)脱掉(衣服,鞋,帽);摘掉(眼镜,戒指)_脱掉你的衣服,它们湿透了。(2)(飞机)起飞 vt. _飞机三点钟起飞了。2. refer to(1)指的是;适用 _ 那个坏蛋指的是谁?(2)参阅,参考;提到,归功于,起因于 I often referred to lots of books when preparing teaching plans. 准备教案时我常常参考许多书。 _他把成功归功于父母的帮助和好的运气。3. Some of the verbs can refer to more than one means of transport.一些动词可以指不止一种交通工具。(1)means 含义为“手段”或“工具”,这个词是一个单复数通行的名词。_ 达到目的的方法。I can work it out by two means._(2)more than one 不止一个,在语义上虽为复数,但more than修饰one,这个词组作主语时仍视为单数,注意主谓一致。More than one room_ been burnt down in the fire. 不止一间房屋在火灾中被烧毁。4. We spent two days and nights on the train. 我们在火车上度过了两天两夜。spend vt. 本句中作“花时间,度过”讲,还可以作“用钱,花钱”讲。常用以下结构:_ 在某方面花时间/ 钱_ 花时间/ 钱做某事_她在一些无关紧要的事情上花费太多时间。5. Its out of date. 它过期了。(1)out of 的含义比较丰富,如:“从里面向外;由于;出于;从当中;用材料”等Please take your book out of our bag. 请把你的书从书包里拿出来。They helped us out of kindness. 他们出于好心而帮了我们。_ 你用什么东西做这个?(2)date n. 日期;约会Have you set a date for the wedding? 你确定结婚日期了吗?_追溯到;自某时代存在至今_ 这个小城建于罗马时代。6. distance n距离;远处;远方 _在远处,在远方 _在远的地方 _与保持一定距离 _与某人保持距离;不与某人亲近 distant adj.远的;远隔的;稀疏的;疏远的;冷淡的 _对某人冷淡 _离远 考试中一定要注意该名词后若跟of结构其前不用介词in。活学巧练: You can see the ancient ruins_a distance of 10 miles. AinBatCbyDTo7. abandoned adj.被遗弃的,放纵的,没有约束的 (1)Theyre going to dive into the sea to see the_(遗弃的)sunken ship. (2)He_(抛弃)his wife and went away with all their money. (3)The search was_(终止)when night came. (4)Lu Xun_(放弃)medicine for literature. (5)The broken bike was found_by the riverside. AabandoningBabandoned Cto be abandoned Dbeing abandoned8. match v搭配,匹配;匹敌n比赛;相称的配对;配偶;旗鼓相当的对手 (1)Her clothes dont_(相配)her age. (2)Something went wrong in_(平衡)supply to demand. (3)No one can_(匹敌)her in knowledge of classical music. (4)He_(与比赛)his shooting skill against the experts. (5)I dont think those curtains_very well with the wallpaper. AsuitBgoCfitDMatch9. supply vt.供应;提供;补充;满足;n.U供应,供给;供应量;(复)供应品,一批东西,生活用品(1)_ _给某人提供某物,供给某人某物_满足需要(2)a supply of.的供应量 _食物/水供应A new laboratory building has been built in our school,and it is _ with advanced equipment.Aoffered Bgiven Csupplied Dfitting10. allow v允许,容许_准许某人做某事 _允许某人有Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself,but her parents did not_her to do so.Aforbid Ballow Cfollow Dask11. get into进入,陷入;习惯于;开始对感兴趣_发脾气 _陷入麻烦/遇到困难_
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