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英语作文职业规划 篇一:职业规划英语作文 In recent years,universities and colleges among our country increasingly attach great importance to Career Planning Education for college students. From my perspective,there are several causes of the phenomenon.Firstly,being a college student,learning courses and planning for future are equally important since a large number of graduated students don't know how to choose their career and blind selecting may mislead their lives.Besides, as the famous saying goes"Good beginning is half done".As a consequence ,to know how to choose career is particularly vital to start a successful life. As for how to plan career,I think the most important thing is to determine our direction. And to know ourselves well is also necessary. Only by knowing what we can achieve can we make it.篇二:On College Students' Career Planning 关于大学生职业规划的英语作文 Nowadays, the number of students is growing rapidly, so a lot of colleges have paid more attention to college students' career planning. It seems that this phenomenon is becoming a trend. With the development of society, more and more teenagers have opportunities to be educated. It is good for our society. However, a negative problem is coming with this phenomenon. This phenomenon brings more and more pressure on positions. The number of students who cannot find jobs is growing constantly. So this trend follows a logical of thought, and it may do benefit college students. As far as I am concerned, we should study our majority well and after this we can try our best to expand our horizons. For example, we can learn some social skills or take in lessons from our failure. Only we make a college student's career planning and spare no efforts to make it true, can we succeed.篇三:一些经典的职业规划英文内容 职业规划 常用应急场景 范例一:An online course A friend of mine has been taking an online career planning course these days. He told me the other day he has learned a lot from it. He recommended me to subscribe to it. What do you say? I think it is good if we know enough about career planning. We will make wiser choices. What else did he tell you about it? Well, just something in general, like several key steps in planning career and how to set specific and tenable goals. Sounds practical! To be honest, sometimes I feel puzzled about my future career. I am not sure if this job suits me the best though I work very hard on it and enjoy being a hard worker. I have always wanted to try something else and learn some new skills. Making a decision to start over is not an easy thing to do. It seems that you need this course more than I do. I love my current job. If I take this course, I hope to learn some tricks to get myself more organized at work. If they can give suggestions about how to boost work relationships, that will be great. I need these to improve my current work performance. Ok, then we can sign up for it together. 范例二:Write down your plans How long have you been in this company? I came two years ago after I graduated from college. This is my first job. You must have found much difference between working in company and studying in college. Of course! Everyday, there is a deadline to meet. Bosses watching and testing me all the time, not liking in college, handed in paper months later and tested on schedule. It is so busy. But anyway, I have trying my best to be a good employee.Well, youve adapted yourself very well. Everyone in our office thinks youve made a great progress in the past two years. What is your secret? It is so encouraging to hear this remark. The secret is to make plans. Write down your goals, short-term and long-term and make detail plans for a week or a month. Then just work hard. "五年内您想做到什么职位?",这是一个富有挑战性的问题。要知道,每一个公司都希望自己的员工能够"芝麻开花,节节高",能够挑起更沉的担子。对这个问题的回答,能够反映出您是否富有进取心,是否具备为时代所需要的创新精神,是否能为公司作出更大的贡献。 这一课中,我们就来探讨对这个问题的回答。 重点单词和句型 career 事业、生涯 senior manager 高级经理 predict 预报、预言expert 专家、行家 valuable 有价值的 goal 目的、目标 latest technology 最新技术 eventually 最后 expect 预期、期待 Where would you like to be in 5 years? "Where would you like to be in 5 years?" "Where do you see yourself five years from now?" "五年内您想做到什么职位?" 对于面试者来说,这是个很棘手的问题,但它却很受主考官的青睐。因为,主考官想通过您对这个问题的回答,来了解您对未来发展的计划,更重要的是,判断您的计划是否切实可行,是否跟该公司未来的发展计划相一致。 对这个问题,您可以先给出您的目标: "I would like to follow the management career path" "我想沿着管理这条路走下去。" "I would like to try the secretary career track" "我想尝试秘书工作。" 您还可以给自己提出更高的要求,当然,这种要求一定得是您通过努力能够达到的,这一点,您一定要"心中有数": "I'd like to be a senior manager of your company in five years." "我想在五年内成为贵公司的高级经理。"或者: "Although it's certainly difficult to predict things far into the future, I know what direction I want to develop toward. Within five years, I would like to become one of the best engineer
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