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一 托业考试题型结构1二 托业阅读题型高频考点总结1三 托业阅读理解解题技巧17一 托业考试题型结构阅读部分(75分钟 100题)V完成句子Incomplete Sentences40题VI短文填空Text Completion3组12题VII阅读理解ReadingComprehension- Single Passage- Double passage7-10组28题4组20题以上题型为托业完整考试的阅读题型,实际本公司的考试中出现完成句子与阅读理解概率大,短文填空不一定有,以下对完成句子与阅读理解做重点讲解,尤其是阅读讲解。二 托业阅读题型高频考点总结题型一 补全句子技巧skill 1 熟悉前缀skill 2熟悉后缀skill 3识别时间标识词skill 4 熟悉被动语态skill 5 辨别正确的介词用法skill 6 使用关系代词skill 1常用前缀1. after- 之后 afternoon, aftermath,后果,再生草 afterward2. ante- 之前 antedate,较正确日期为早的日期,antechamber接待室,前堂antecedent 前例,先行者3. anti- 反 antisocial, 不擅社交的,antibiotic抗生素antidote 解毒剂,矫正法4.auto- 自动 automobile, automatic, autobiography 自传5. bene- 好 benefit, beneficial, benign 6. bi- bin- 两个 bifocal, bicycle, binoculars7. circu- 绕 circulate, circular, circus8. co- col- 一起 cooperate, coworker, collect9. contra- 相反 contradict, contrary, contrast10.counter- 对立 counteract, counterfeit, counterpart11. dis- 缺少 disagree, disgrace, dishonest12.hyper- 过多 hypercritical, hyperbole, hypersensitive13.hypo- 太小 hypoactive, hypodermic, hypoglycemia14.il- 不 illogical, illegal, illegible15. in- 不 incorrect, inhumane, inability16. inter- 之间 international, interaction, interfere17. ir- 不 irresponsible, irregular, irrelevant18. mal- 差 malfunction, malpractice, malnourished19. mis- 错误 misfortune, mistake, misplace20. multi- 多 multilingual, multiple, multinational21. omni- 所有 omniscient, omnivorous, omnipotent22. over- 太 overactive, overflow, overdraw23. poly- 许多 polyglot, polygon, polytechnic24. post- 之后 postpone, postpaid, postscript25. pre- 之前 prefix, prefer, prehistoric26. pro- 之前 prologue, procedure, pronoun27. re- 重新 rewrite, repeat, replaceskill 2 熟悉后缀常见后缀 后缀 含义 词性 例子1. al 与。有关 adjective influential, provincial, financial2. ance 性质,状态 noun resistance, acceptance, extravangance3.-ancy 性质,状态 noun vacancy, pregnancy, redundancy4.-ary 与。有关 adjective primary, secondary, fiduciary5.-ate 。化 verb activate, reciprocate, elevate6.-ation,-tion 性质状态 noun inspiration, separation, deviation7.-en 。化 verb shorten, lengthen, fatten8.-ency 性质,状态 noun expediency, leniency, latency9.-fy 。化 verb beautify, clarify, specify10.-hood 性质,状态 noun childhood, adulthood, manhood11-ic 与。有关 adjective economic, scientific, scenic12.-ity 性质,状态 noun authenticity, publicity, civility13.-ize 引起变化 verb computerize, modernize, legalize14.-ly 以。方式 adverb clearly, yearly, ordinarily15.-ment 性质,状态 noun enjoyment, procurement, experiment16.-ness 性质,状态 noun kindness, darkness, likeness17.-ous 充满。 adjective nervous, anxious, jealous18.-ship 性质,状态 noun friendship, relationship, kinshipskill 3 识别时间标识词When? How Long? How often?Ago since usuallyAlready for generallyBefore until oftenAfter rarelyDuring weeklyNext month once a day练习1. How long has Mr. Block been working on the report?Mr. Block has been working on the report _.A. three hours agoB. for three hours2. When did the housekeeper clean the room?_ we left the room, she cleaned it.A. AfterB. Usually3. How long will Ms Colinas fill in?Ms Colinas will fill in _ Ms. Irzel is out of the hospital.A. untilB. already4. When does the secretary take notes?The secretary takes notes _ the meeting.A. oftenB. during5. How do tourists prefer to see a new city?Visitors _ prefer to start with a guided tour of the city.A. generallyB. whileskill 4 熟悉被动语态练习1. The viewers _ the opportunity to judge the performance.A. were given B. gave2. The shipment must _ carefully.A. handle B. be handled3. The food manager _ to eliminate theft.A. was told B. has told4. The flight _ on time.A. was left B. left5. The proposal _ now.A. can be mailed B. can mailSkill 5: 辨别正确的介词用法介词词组 用法 例子to Rome 目的地 I went to Rome.In Rome 位置 Whi
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