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表示喜怒哀乐的短语快乐的婚姻 a blissful marriage为.喝彩 acclaim令高兴的一天 a cheerful day快乐的微笑 a cheerful smile心存感激的女孩 a grateful girl欢乐的日子 a joyous occasion欢乐的聚会 a jolly party满意的表情 a satisfied look一群激动的人 an excited group of people被湖上的美景迷住了 attracted by the lake迷上 be carried away对.感到满意 be contented with对.很高兴 be delighted at受到成功的鼓舞 be encouraged at the success为.而兴奋 be excited about为成功而欣喜 be excited with joy at the success被.场面所吸引 be fascinated by the spectacle of被她的美貌而吸引 be fascinated with her beauty因.对.表示感激 be grateful to sb.for sth.大受鼓舞 be greatly inspired by感激某人 be indebted to sb.对.感兴趣 be interested in doing对这本书感兴趣 be interested in the book欣喜若狂 be irresistibly mad with joy因.而高兴 be joyful over/about喜爱,对.着迷 be keen on激动得流泪 be moved to tears快乐之极 be overwhelmed with joy听到这消息很高兴 be pleased at the news见到她很高兴 be pleased/delighted to see her高兴做 be pleased to do听到这个消息很高兴 be pleased to hear the news被强烈地吸引到 be powerfully attracted to对.感到满意 be satisfied with听到好消息很兴奋 be thrilled at the good news欣喜若狂 be wild with delight狂欢 be wild with joy/jump for joy乐意做 be willing to do笑逐颜开 beam with joy极为快乐 beside oneself with joy高兴的 blissful快乐的 cheerflul快乐的表情 cheerful appearance快乐的人们 cheerful people高兴得跳起来 dance/jump for joy鼓励某人学习 encourage sb.in his studies喜欢做 enjoy doing快意 enjoyment高兴得大声喊叫 exclaim with delight为.狂喜 exult in/at/over和善的,友好的 genial怄气,不悦 get sulky偏爱 favor最爱的 favourite充满欢乐 full of/filled with joy变得激动 git excited大受鼓舞 get greatly encouraged销魂 rapture听到那个消息高兴至极 go into the raptures at thenews为.欢呼 hail快乐 happiness无忧无虑的,乐天的 happy-go-lucky过的愉快 have a good time过一个愉快的假日 have a pleasant holiday心境极佳 in good/high spirits使某人产生信心 inspire sb. with confidence激起某人的爱国心 inspire sb.with patriotism有趣的 interesting笑话 joke愉快的 joyful/joyous/jolly喜悦的 jubilant非常高兴 jump for joy笑 laugh运气 luck幸运的 lucky快乐的 merry心满意足 on the top of the world对.感到非常高兴 overjoyed at/to do高兴 please愉快,快乐 pleasure喜欢,宁愿 prefer高兴地读那本书 read the book with great delight欣赏,高兴 rejoice为.欣喜 rejoice over抑制住激动的心情 restrain ones excitement喜极而泣 shed tears of joy/in delight显得十分高兴 show joy at因提升而显得高兴 show joy at being promoted未显出高兴的样子 show no sigh of pleasure幸福的泪水落下 tears of happiness flowing down讲笑话 tell a funny story因.感激某人thank sb.for使某人大为高兴的是 to the joy of sb.热情鼓舞 warmly encourage想不到有更好的了 wish for nothing better狂怒 a blind fury来自公众的怨言 a complaint from the public压住怒火 abide ones anger毫无怨言的接受 accept.without complaint引起某人的不快 arouse ones displeasure引发大众的愤怒 arouse popular indignation对.发脾气 be angry with对某人的行为感到恼怒 be displeased at ones conduct易为琐事而恼火 be easily annoyed at trifles被某人的侮辱激怒 be enraged at ones insult愤怒 be filled with indignation满腔怒火 be filled with fury对某人大发雷霆 be furious with sb.对.的行为极为愤怒 be incensed at ones conduct对某人发怒 be incensed with/against sb.气得发疯 be mad with anger气得说不出话来 be speechless with indignation/fury着急 become irritated/get nervous不耐烦 become weary of对.强烈不满 bitter complaints about对.发火 blow up at sb.勃然大怒 burst into a rage/boil with indignation怒气冲冲 burn with anger不能忍受 connot stomach it向某人投以愤怒的目光 cast an angry look at sb.抱怨物价太高 complain about high prices对.不满 complain about sb.抱怨天气 complain about the weather不断地抱怨 complain constantly老是抱怨 complain incessantly大声抱怨 complain loudly向某人抱怨 complain to sb.命运 destiny怀疑 doubt/doubtful/suspicious毫无怨言地忍受着艰难困苦 endure the hardship without complaint对.表示不满 express/voice a complaint about找茬 find fault with勃然大怒 fly into a rage皱眉头 frown on/scowl对.生气 get irritated at对.勃然大怒 get mad/cross at sb.发牢骚 grumble/complain about愁眉苦脸 have a worried look自制 hold back对抱怨不予理会 ignore/disregard a complaint怒气冲冲地 in a burst of anger发酒疯 in a drunken fury一怒之下 in a fury盘问某人 inquire sb.about嫉妒的 jealous疯狂的 mad误解 misunderstand没有理由抱怨 no cause for complaint愤怒地反抗约束 rage againsst restraint对.大发脾气 rage at sb.憎恨,厌恶 resent克制 control oneself压住怒火 restrain ones fury怒气冲冲地跑出房间 run out of the room in a burst of anger一怒之下把家具砸了 smash the furniture in a fury愤怒地跺脚 stamp ones foot in anger怀疑,猜测 suspect疼痛 ache苦恼 ail/torment忧虑的,发愁的 anxious担心,害怕 afraid of /afraid to do使苦恼,折磨 afflict央求 ask sb. to do眼花缭乱 be dazzled失望 be disappointed in sb. at sth.听到消息很沮丧 be dismayed at the news很痛心 be greatly afflicted by听到那个消息很悲痛 be grieved to hear the news心情沉重地 be heavy-hearted难以言表的悲伤 be inexpressibly sad很难过 be in great distress遇到麻烦 be in trouble相当令人失望 be rather disappointed at因.而悲伤 be sad about/at/for/with因他的死而悲伤 be saddened by his death愁容满面 be sad of appearance愁得生了病 be sick with worry困窘 be troubled令人失望 be very disappointing为.而
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