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2019年四年级英语下册Module3Unit1Robotswilldoeverything教案3外研版Module 3 Unit 1 Robots will do everything1教学目标 知识目标:要求学生能够听懂会说课文中的词汇:robot,walk ,talk ,one day, everything,能听懂会说课文中的新词组: do the housework , help children learn.语言功能继续学习用can谈论能力,学习用will谈论将来,要求学生能够运用学过的语言畅想未来机器人会做什么。能力目标:能够听懂会说本模块句型,能灵活运用功能句谈论将来的行为,培养学生的想象能力。情感目标:在积极参与教学活动及小组合作中激发学生兴趣,体会到学习的快乐。运用目标:运用所学习的Will they.?结构,能够表达将来机器人将做什么。2学情分析 本模块内容设计适合四年级学生,他们经过一年的学习初步具备一定的听说读的技能,有较好的模仿能力,在老师的引导下,能运用所学基本句型进行语言操练,在课堂教学中能积极参与,互动交流。本课主要运用will 对将来要做的事情进行提问,对于大多数学生来说比较容易掌握。但是,要灵活自如地运用重点句型进行语言交流,还需要大量的操练。3重点难点 灵活运用Will they?以及回答Yes, they will. No, they wont.来谈论将来发生的事情。掌握housework/homework的读音以及区别4教学过程 活动1【导入】Step1Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls.S: helloT: How are you, today?S: I fine, thank you.T:(分组)Now, you are group1.You are group2T:before the class, lets say hello to the students in 大溪primary school. You are group3T:lets say hello to the students in 护国primary school. Now,you are group4.after class ,lets see which group will be the winner.活动2【活动】Step2Playagame. T: Please do as I say. (Walk, jump, run, play basketball.)T: wonderful, I want to have a chant with you, OK? Look here(播放多媒体)Lets have the chant together. now ,show me your hands and clap with me.Walk, walk, I can walkRun, run, I can runJump, jump, I can jumpSwim, swim, I can swim活动3【讲授】step3 T: well down .each group can get a star. Lets clap our hands to ourselves.1、 ,we can do these things. I have a friend. It can do these things, too. Look here, its coming.What is it? (出示机器人的图片)Ss: 机器人.T:(学习单词)It is a robot. please read after me ,robort ,robort .(each group please read this words twice)师出示两张图片,引出robortsT: Listen, what can Robot do? 引出Robot can talk . And it can walk.2. Now, lets guess, One day, what will Robots do? (引出新单词One day)(师说大声,生说小声些)3 ,师让生猜,机器人将会做什么?引出help children learn,教授单词learn, learn。(开火车传单词,师拍掌,让生拍肩传单词learn)4,用同样的方法教授(do the housework,(请一学生扮成机器人,打扫卫生)do the homework) (学习短语,句型)5. 做游戏,我说你做。6. One day ,Robots will sing、take pictures/do the housework/help children learn,引出One day ,Robots will do everything,师出示everything单词卡片,教授单词。(拍手教读单词,everything, everything, do everything)活动4【练习】step 4 practice, T: lets sing a chant together. Now, show me your hands and clap with me.Everything, everything, do everything.Housework, housework, do the houseworkHomework, homework, do our homework.Learn, learn, help children learn.Robots, robots, robots will do everything.【设计意图】由歌曲引入激发学生的兴趣,再通过师生共同做指令复习学过的动词短语,在游戏中学习,通过图片学习新授词“robot, learn, housework”为新授课做好准备。通过chant进一步进行巩固。活动5【活动】step 5 Consolidation 击鼓传礼物盒,音乐响起开始传递礼物盒,音乐声停,拿到盒子的学生从盒中抽取一张卡片,看后表演,其他同学用Robots will .描述表演内容。【设计意图】教师通过做示范,让学生通过小组活动操练重点句型they will 提高了语用能力。活动6【作业】step 6 Homework Draw your robot. And introduce it with it canand it will.
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