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2019年四年级英语下册Module3Unit2OnMondayIllgoswimming一课一练2外研版Module 3 Unit 2 On Monday Ill go swimming.一、根据中文意思,在四线格内正确书写单词或短语。 1. 星期一 2. 星期三 3. 星期五 4. 星期二 5. 星期四 6. 星期六 7. 星期日 8. 假期 9. 下一周二、选出不同类的一项。( )1. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. visit( )2. A. how B. big C. what( )3. A. read B. grandpa C. go( )4. A. today B. tomorrow C. next( )5. A. swim B. friend C. book三、根据情景,选择最佳选项。( )1. 当你想向别人介绍未来机器人会做家务,你会说:_ A. Robots will do the housework. B. Robots will do the homework. ( )2. 当你想描述你周六将会去公园时,你应该说:_ A. On Friday, I will go to the park. B. On Saturday, I will go to the park.( )3. 当你想表达你的机器人可以和你踢足球时,你应该说:_ A. My robot can read books for me. B. My robot can play football with me.( )4. 当你想表达你的朋友们将会去游泳时,你会说:_ A. My friends will go swimming.B. Can your friends swim?( )5. 当你介绍自己的周末计划时,你会说:_ A. I like my weekend. B. This weekend I will visit my grandma.( )6. 当你询问别人周日将会做什么时,你会说:_ A. What will you do on Sunday? B. Where will you go on Sunday?四、连词成句。1. will, mother, my, Saturday, I, help, on (.)_2. on, Sunday, books, I, read, will, my (.)_3. will, I, on, Monday, go, swimming (.)_4. week, is, a , next, holiday (.)_5. is, Monday, and, tomorrow, today, is, Tuesday (.)_ 6. can, it, football, play, me, with(.)_ 7. will, books, for, read, it, me (.)_ A. They will go swimming.B. It is Friday. C. I will play football.D. Yes, it can.E. It can do the housework.G. It is a robot.五、根据问句,选择正确的答句。( )1. What is this?( )2. What will they do?( )3. What day is it today?( )4. What can it do?( )5. What will you do on Sunday?( )6. Can a robot walk?六、写作。 假如下一周是假期,在假期里你有什么计划呢?请你根据本单元所学知识,写一个假期计划。要求:1. 不少于五句话。 2. 用第一人称I 写。 Next week is a holiday. _ Module 3 Unit 2 On Monday Ill go swimming. 练习答案一、1. Monday 2. Wednesday 3. Friday 4. Tuesday 5. Thursday 6. Saturday 7. Sunday 8. holiday 9. next week二、1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A 【解析】:1. A项、B项都是名词,是具体的星期, C项是动词。2. A项、C项是疑问词, B项是形容词。3. A项、C项是动词,B项是名词。4. A项、B项是时间名词, C项是形容词。5. A项是动词,B项、C项是名词。三、1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. A 【解析】:1. “做家务”的英文表达是do the housework,do homework意为“做作业”,故选A。2. “周六”的英文表达是Saturday,Friday意为“星期五”,故选B。3. “踢足球”的英文表达是play football,read books意为“读书”,故选B。4. “将会”的可以用will表达,“去游泳”的英文表达是go swimming,故选A。5. “计划”通常是要做的事情,而不是表达感叹,故选B。6. 英语中通常用“What will + 主语 + 动词?”来询问某人将要做某事,为what 询问“什么”where询问“地点”,故选A。四、1. On Saturday, I will help my mother.2. On Sunday, I will read my books.3. On Monday, I will go swimming.4. Next week is a holiday.5. Today is Monday and tomorrow is Tuesday.6. It can play football with me.7. It will read books for me.五、1. G 2. A 3. B 4. E 5.C 6. D 【解析】:1. What is this?意为“这是什么?”答句应为回答的物品,故选G。2. What will they do?询问将要做的事情,主语是they,故选A。3. What day is it today?询问“今天星期几?”,答句应为星期,故选B。4. What can it do? 询问的是能力,主语是it,答句为表示能力的句子, 故选E。5. What will you do on Sunday? 询问将要做的事情,但主语是you,回答用I, 故选C。6. Can a robot walk? 询问的是能力,为一般疑问句,肯定用Yes, 主语+can。 否定用No, 主语+ cant. 故选D。六、提示:1. 计划的事情是还没有发生,故时态用一般将来时将来时。 2. 人称为第一人称I 。 Next week is a holiday. On Monday I will go swimming. On Tuesday, I will read books. On Friday, I will visit my grandma. On Saturday, I will help my mother. On Sunday, I will go to the park.
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