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Lesson4Job Trends&Communication Workshop&Culture Corner&Bullet in Board.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子1.As we all know,it was Columbus that discovered the new c.答案:continent 2.The government wants to d population growth.答案:decrease3.The large company has a lot of d throughout the country.答案:divisions 4.Well,my schedule is quite f,so I can arrange to meet with you any day next week.答案:flexible5.All her friends were filled with e at her great contribution to the class.答案:envy 6.Were looking for positive and (有活力的)people to be salesmen.答案:dynamic 7.The whole nation was in a state of (紧张)following the attacks.答案:panic8.The problem has been (困扰)me for weeks.答案:disturbing9.Smoking (大量增加)the risk of heart attacks and other health problems.答案:multiplies10.How can you treat your wife just like a (奴隶)?答案:slave.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Their question failed to get a (respond)from any of the students.答案:response 2.Her decision seems to show a lack of political (judge).答案:judgement3.Protective clothing must be worn when the machine is in (operate).答案:operation4.Were it not for science,we could not live a (comfort)life.答案:comfortable 5.They set up nearly ten (branch)in the whole province.答案:branches.用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空(每个限用一次)rather than,due to,in addition,keep up with,in case,respond to1.Her son walked so fast that she couldnt him.答案:keep up with2.When the teacher asked Tom the question,he only stood there,keeping silent.答案:to respond to3.The companys problems are a mixture of bad luck and poor management.答案:due to4.I will make some sandwiches,just we get hungry later on.答案:in case5.Smoking does harm to your health.,it costs too much money.答案:In addition6.Betty chose to drop out admit that shed made a mistake.答案:rather than.阅读理解AOn a sunny day last January,people got together at a parking lot in Las Vegas to see small vehicles that looked more like colorful eggs than ordinary cars.These vehicles were electric,ran on two wheels instead of four and held only two passengers.Thanks to their tiny size,six of the vehicles would fit in a parking spot.If the idea of parking such a small car makes you nervous,dont worry:these cars can park themselves.And they can return to their owners when controlled by a button on a cell phone.The vehicle is called the EN-V(Electric Net-worked-Vehicle).It is built by General Motors,or GM,and it points to what future vehicles might be like.It is designed to be energy-saving,solve environmental problems and help ease traffic jams,parking and safety concerns.The automaker says its next concept car(概念车) will help drivers get whatever they want.According to GM,the company has also designed an electric vehicle named Lean Machine.However,it is a small three-wheeler and this single-seater vehicle looks like a motorcycle.One day,such small,electric vehicles might safely carry people around,especially in crowded cities.Scientists and engineers are finding new ways to make cars safer,smarter and more efficient,or use less energy.New cars may help you keep track of your health by reminding you to take medicine.If its electric,your car may send you a message reminding you to recharge it.Cars will talk to other cars,your computer,your phone and your iPad.Theyll help drivers save energy,watch out for other drivers and avoid walkers on the streets.This is the future of vehicles:safer,smarter and more energy-saving.Besides,they might even drive themselves down the highway or through a city.You can sit back and enjoy the ride.1.Why did people get together at a parking lot?A.They wanted to see some colorful eggs.B.They came to see an unusual parking lot.C.They came to watch a kind of new vehicle.D.They were invited to drive some smart vehicles.提示:细节理解题。由第一段第一句中的“.peoplegottogetherataparkinglotinLasVegastoseesmallvehiclesthatlookedmorelikecolorfuleggsthanordinarycars.”可知C项说法正确。答案:C2.According to the text,the EN-V .A.is powered mainly by gasB.moves on just two wheelsC.is difficult for a new driver to parkD.has already come onto the market提示:细节理解题。由第一段中的“Thesevehicleswereelectric,ranontwowheelsinsteadoffour.”可知该车仅仅依靠两个轮子来行驶。答案:B3.Both the EN-V and Lean Machine .A.have only two wheelsB.can hold two passengersC.are environment-friendlyD.look like a motorcycle提示:细节理解题。由第二段中的内容可知这两款车都是环保型的。答案:C4.The text is mainly about .A.a parking lotB.the future of carsC.the traffic rules in AmericaD.the functions of modern cars提示:主旨大意题。纵览全文可知,本文作者主要向我们展示了未来汽车的一些特征。答案:BBWhy play games?Because they are fun,and a lot more besides.Following the rules.planning your next move.acting as a team member.these are all “game” ideas that you will come across throughout your life.Think about some of the games you played as a young child,such as
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