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Module3 my first ride on a train词组练习一 单词1. 距离 n. 2. 被遗弃的 adj. 3. .公寓 n. 4. 沙漠 n. 5. 专家 n. 6. 半夜7. 产品,产量 n.8. 风景 n. 9. 射杀 vt.10. 旅程 n. 11. 训练 vt. 12. 海滨 n. 13. 体育场 n. 14. 使吃惊,惊吓 vt.15. 事件 n.16. 疲惫不堪的 adj.17. 卡通,漫画 n. 18. 仪式 n. 19. 市中心 adj.20. 面试 n. & v.21. 面试官 n. 22. 轨道 n. 23. 纪念品 n. 24. camel n. 25. helicopter n. 26. motorbike n. 27. soil n. 28. circus n. 29. kindergarten n. 30. rail n. 31. tram n. 32. diamond 33. vacuum n. 34. cassette n.二 短语1. 在远处隔一段距离within walking distance2. 是的缩写缺少,短缺3. 过时的up to date4. .以速度5. take off6. refer to refer to as 7. 在半夜8. 出席开幕式9. 允许做某事.允许某人做某事10. 在20世纪30年代11. 交通方式12. 前几百千米前2天13. 好得多/快多了14. 你介意某人做某事吗?15. 天哪!/ 老天!16. (口语)绝对是!17. (口语)肯定是!一定地!18. 某人第一次参观某地19. 不客气/一点也不。20. 在烟台市中心21. a dining car on the train餐厅_22. Look out !23. try doing try to do24. 创造一项纪录保持一项纪录破纪录三 课文重点语句1. 我们吃了专业厨师做的美餐!2. 经过训练的骆驼驮运食物和其他必需品,带回羊毛和另外的产品。3. 在开始的几百千米旅程中,景色绚丽多彩。4.我们看到了被遗弃的农场,这些农场建于100多年前。5. Ghan 是Afghannistan 的简称,6. 他们尝试骑马。7.你介意我看一下你的票吗?8. 我永远不会忘记第一次光顾电影院。四 用本模块所学单词或词组翻译下列句子1. 多美的景色啊!2. PC 是个人电脑的缩写。3.不允许学生做这样的事情。4.我坐这儿你介意吗?5.公园不远,步行就可以到。6. 我依然把她看作我的另一位(第二个)母亲。五 重点语法1. 过去分词作定语2. 过去时的时间状语六 作文国庆节放假期间,你与家人参加了“采摘水果”活动,到农村采摘苹果, 体验果农劳动。请你为校园网的“热爱生活”栏目写一篇文章,记叙这次活动经历。要点包括:1. 体验果农劳动 ;2. .感受收获的喜悦 ;3. 采摘后的感悟。要求: 1. 词数100左右;4. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇: 果园 orchard Last Saturday , I went on a fruit-gathering trip with my family . It took us about one hour to get to the orchard . The trees, loaded with golden apples, gave off a pleasant smell,attracting the travelers to enjoy the picking game. The guide , a middle-aged farmer , told us to take care not to fall down when picking the apples. Some apples were just within our easy reach., so we could get them easily. However , they were mostly higher on the branches. As a result, we had to use ladders (梯子)to reach them . I found a big apple , but it was hidden high on the branches. I used the ladder to get to the thicker branches and carefully I climbed up , I got the apple at last. It was tiring but exciting day . After the experience, I got to know what “No pains , no gains ” means .
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