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扎兰屯一中2015-2016年度上学期高二期中考试英语试卷时间:100分钟 满分:130分 第一卷第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分50)第一节:(共20题,每小题2 分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 AWork is a part of living my grandparents understood that . They lived and worked on a farm that has been in my family for 150 years . They raised chickens for eggs , pigs and cattle for meat . Cows were kept for milk and the cream , from which Grandma made butter and cheese . What little yard they had became a garden .The Depression(大萧条) , therefore , didnt make much change in their lives . But it did bring an unending flow of men out of work , drifting from job to job , to the farm . The first to show up at the door of the kitchen was a man in rags . He took off his hat and quietly explained that he hadnt eaten for a while . Grandpa stood watching him a bit , then said , “Theres a stack of firewood against the fence behind the barn (谷仓). Ive been needing to get it moved to the other side of the fence . You have just about enough time to finish the job before lunch .”Grandma said a surprising thing happened . The man got a shine in his eyes and he hurried to the barn at once . She set another place at the table and made an apple pie . During lunch , the stranger didnt say much , but when he left , his shoulders had straightened . “Nothing ruins a man like losing his self-respect,” Grandpa later told me .Soon after , another man showed up asking for a meal . This one was dressed in a suit and carried a small old suitcase . Grandpa came out when he heard voices . He looked at the man and then offered a handshake .” There is a stack of firewood along the fence down behind the barn Ive been meaning to get it moved . Itd sure be a help to me . And wed be pleased to have you stay for lunch .” The fellow set his suitcase aside and neatly laid his coat on top . Then he set off to work .Grandma says she doesnt remember how many strangers they shared a meal with during those Depression days-or how many times that stack of wood got moved .1When he was asked to move a stack of firewood , the first man who asked for a meal got a shine in his eyes for he was glad that .Ahe had found a good job Bhe would have something to eat Che would get what he wanted without losing his self-respectDhe would no longer suffer from the Depression 2The writers grandfather asked those jobless men to move the stack of firewood because .Ahe didnt want them to have a meal free of charge Bhe wanted to help them in his own wayChe had been needing to get it moved Dhe wanted to show them his kindness and respect 3The writers grandfather was all of the following but .Akind Bthoughtful Csympathetic Dwealthy4The best title for the story would be .AThe Pleasure of Helping Others BThe DepressionCNo Pains , No Gains .DWork-A Part of Living B London is the capital of the United Kingdom. It has about seven million people. The river Thames runs through London. People from all over the world visit London to see Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London. There are many museums, theatres and parks in London, as well as offices and factories. London began as a Roman settlement called Londinium. The plague(瘟疫) came to London in the 1600s, followed by the Great Fire of 1666. The city was badly bombed in World War II. London is very slowly sinking into its foundations and the level of the river Thames is slowly rising. As a result, extra-high tides could flood a large part of London. To prevent this happening, a great barrier(屏障)has been built across the Thames at Woolwich. If very high tides happen, the barrier can be raised and London will be safe.5. London is the capital of _, which began as a _ settlement.A. England; Norman .B. Scotland; English C. UK; Frenchman D. UK; Roman 6. According to the passage, from 1600 to now, _ great disasters have happened in London.A. one B. two C. three D. four 7. The reason why a great barrier has been built across the Thames at Woolwich is that_.A.the level of the river Thames is slowly rising.B.London is very slowly sinking into its foundations.C.extra-high tides could flood a large part of London.D.all of the above. C We often think of futureWe often wonder what the world would be like in a hundred years time. Think of space, perhaps a permanent(永久的) station on the moon will have been set upPerhaps people will be able to visit the moon as touristsCheap rockets for space travel will have been developed, permitting long journeys throughout the solar system(太阳系)When that time comes, people will be taking holidays in space and visiting other planetsGreat progress wi
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