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甘肃省部分普通中学2016高考英语新课标学能专业高阶测控特练试题(一)注意:本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分120分。考试时间100分钟。第卷第一部分:阅读理解( 共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ATo begin your expedition of wonder, get yourself a drivers license at your local department of motor vehicles, then rent a car and take off forNew HampshiresCrawfordNotchState Park. This beautiful park is abundant in wildlife, natural vegetation and running rivers falling from high cliffs. It is a place of spectacular mountain views, hiking trails, waterfalls and fishing locations. All you need to do is jump in your rented car or SUV and head for the sunset!Okay, so youve just finished those crazy summer final exams and youre exhausted from all of the stress. Thats okay becauseNew Hampshires State Park also offers a perfect way to recover at ConeysFlumeParkwhere visitors can ride all the rapids in a hollowed out log, eat hotdogs and play on the amusement tides.Good times will be had no matter what your preference at Dry River Campground, which offers wood cabins, showers, electricity, flush toilets, laundry and fire rings. Its like a home away from home, so gather your camping gear and head for the journey!If youre stuck on figuring out how to access your own wheels, how about finding a bus to take you toWeirsBeach? There are fall leaves tours running in the fall through the end of October. Let the captain do the driving while you enjoy the colors along the shoreline and the mountainsides.If you cant find some peace of mind from those nasty final exams while relaxing in your lakeside cottage, take a cruise and go fishing, go bird sightseeing, or just kick back in a rented boat and let the coo of the birds wash your troubles away.No matter where you go inNew Hampshire, youll meet the most friendly people you can imagine. Do dive into that rental car or SUV, take off for a vacation to New Hampshireand treat yourself to one ofAmericas most beautiful states. Enjoy!21. Who is this passage mainly intended for?A. School students. B. Bird lovers.C. Driving learners. D. Trouble makers.22. Where can you enjoy riding on logs?A. At Weir s Beach. B. In your lakeside cottage.C. At ConeysFlumePark. D. AtDryRiverCampground.23. What type of writing is this text?A. A tour introduction. B. A travel diary.C. An announcement. D. An official report. B As temperatures go up, bison(北美野牛)get smaller. Joseph Craine, research assistant professor in the Division of Biology at Kansas State University, examined how climate change during the next 50 years will affect grazing(放牧)animals such as bison and cattle in the Great Plains. “Bison are one of our most important conservation animals and hold a unique role in grasslands in North America,” Craine said. “In addition to their cultural and ecological significance, theyre economically important. There are about half a million bison in the world.” Craine analyzed a data set of 290,000 weights, ages and sexes collected from 22 bison herds(兽群)throughout the U. S. The organizations kept annual records of each animal in the herd and matched the data with the climates of the sites. Based on differences in sizes of bison across herds, Craine found that during the next 50 years, future generations of bison will be smaller in size and weigh less. Climate is likely to reduce the nutritional quality of grasses, causing the animals to grow more slowly. “We know that temperatures are going to go up,” Craine said. “We also know that warmer grasslands have grasses with less protein(蛋白质), and we now know that warmer grasslands have smaller grazers. It all lines up to suggest that climate change will cause grasses to have less protein and cause grazers to gain less weight in the future.” Craine said the results of climate change in coming decades can already be seen by comparing bison in cooler, wetter places with those in warmer, drier places. For example, the average 7-year-old male bison in South Dakota weighed 1, 900 pounds, while an average 7- year-old male bison in Oklahoma a warmer place weighed 1, 300 pounds. “The difference in temperature between those two states is around 20 degrees Fahrenheit, which is about three times the projected increase in temperatures over the next 75 years,” Craine said. “It is a clear indicator that long-term warming will affect bison and is something that will happen across the U.S. over the next 50-75 years.”24.Inthenextfiftyyears,researchersSay,bisonwill_.A. become smaller and lighterB.disappearintheGreatPlainsC. play a less important partD.adapttodifferentclimatechanges25.Theunderlinedword“grazers”probablyrefersto_.A. the researchers B. the grassesC.thebison D.theprotein26.Whatisthemainre
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