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第十二讲巧用文章信息及逻辑关系(1)(8 min.)(2012长郡月考五)I took up skydiving in my twenties. At the time the accident happened, Id done just 30 jumps. The airfield was quiet when I _1_. On board were Chris, who was taking a tourist, and Ants, the cameraman. Chris indicated I should exit first and the other three would _2_. Later I knew it was this _3_ that saved my life.At 12,000 feet Chris rolled up the door and nodded that it was time for my exit. I put my foot on a step just beside the door, and in an instant the propeller blast (螺旋桨气流) threw me against the side of the plane, half in, half out. I pushed and got my other leg out of the door, but in doing so I found myself _4_ the body of the plane towards the tail. My parachute (降落伞) got caught and my _5_ and legs were pushed backwards, powerless, in the strong wind.I was strangely _6_. To a skydiver, being at 12, 000 feet is a good thing. Altitude is your friend; being close to the ground is deadly and will kill you. Ants appeared and moved slowly towards me, his legs held by Chris in the door. Ants reached out and got hold of my foot. With the weight partly off, I found myself falling away from the plane, _7_ freed. I waved and smiled to indicate I was fine. It was actually very _8_. If any one of a number of factors had been different, I would have _9_. I could have hit the plane with my head. If I had been the last to exit, the pilot alone would have been unable to free me, and even if he had been aware that I was _10_ underneath the plane, he would still have had to land at some point. Blue Skies, Black Death is the skydivers mantra(咒语). On the one hand, theres the freedom and _11_ of the open sky. But in order to _12_ this joy, you must accept that there is usually only one result if something goes wrong. 1. A. jumpedB. arrivedC. woke D. drove 2. A. follow B. escapeC. leave D. fly 3. A. trouble B. effortC. chance D. decision 4. A. sliding down B. knocking overC. crashing into D. breaking down 5. A. body B. armsC. head D. fingers 6. A. frightened B. anxiousC. excited D. calm 7. A. really B. hopefullyC. certainly D. finally 8. A. funny B. ordinaryC. clear D. serious 9. A. died B. laughedC. stopped D. returned10. A. covered B. adjustedC. attached D. connected11. A. pride B. confidenceC. excitement D. willingness12. A. observe B. experienceC. imagine D. discover (2)(8 min.)(2012十二校联考二)I was driving home from a meeting this freezing evening at about 5, stuck in traffic on Colorado Blvd, and my car started to choke and then died.I barely managed to walk into a gas station, hoping that I would not be blocking traffic and would have a somewhat _1_ spot to wait for the tow truck (拖车). Before I could make the _2_ , I saw a woman walking out of the “quickie mart” building, and it looked like she _3_ on some ice and fell onto a gas pump! So I got out to see if she was okay. When I got there, it looked more like she had been overcome by sobs than that she had _4_. She was a young woman who looked really worn out with _5_ circles under her eyes. I asked her if she was okay and if she needed help, and she just kept saying “I dont want my kids to see me _6_,” so we stood on the other side of the pump from her car. She said she was _7_ to California and that things were extremely _8_ for her right now.So, I asked, “And you were praying?” That made her back away from me a little, but I _9_ her I was not a crazy person and said, “He heard you, and He sent me.”I took out my _10_ and swiped it through the card reader on the pump so she could _11_ her car completely. Then I hurried to the next door McDonalds and bought two big bags of food. She gave the food to the _12_ in the car who attacked it like wolves, and we stood by the pump eating fries and talking a little. 1. A. warm B. safe C. empty D. large 2. A. preparations B. decision C. bills D. call 3. A. stepped B. slipped C. waited D. walked 4. A. expected B. estimatedC. fallen D. imagined 5. A. bright B. dark C. colorful D. frozen 6. A. talking B. falling C. walking D. crying 7. A. flying B. hurrying C. driving D. walking 8. A. rough B. typical C. sharp D. tight 9. A. astonished B. approved C. showed D. convinced10. A. money B. food C. card D. car11. A. start out B. fill up C. pull up D. get over12. A. kids B. passersby C. husband D. boys (3)(8 min.)After a hard struggle, I was accepted by a university. Taking pride in myself, I felt as though I had a _1_ in social status, just like Napoleon, who claimed in vanity(自负) after he climbed up the Alps, “Im even higher than the Alps”As a consequence, the whole family considered me as a bright moon outshining the dim stars around, I was allowed to have my own _2_ in everything. And soon I got used to squand
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