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山东省胶南市隐珠街道办事处中学九年级英语上册Unit 5 It must belong to Carla练习题 人教新目标版1.How do you learn English?I learn English by _.A. listen to cassettes B. speak it C. listening to cassettes D .ask the teacher2.This is the best hour I can _ I_ in the past twelve years.A. know; have had B. remember; had C .think of; have had D .think out; had3.He speaks too quickly_.A. understand B. write them down C. to understand D. and write4.We still couldnt decide _ with our difficulties in learning English.A. how to do B. how to deal C. what to deal D. what to solveb5.How did you get there yesterday?_.A. Take a taxi B .By walking C On a car D.I walked there6. English is popular around the world _computers.A. from B. into C. for D. around7.As time _,we know each other better.A. goes by B. passes by C. went off D. going by8.Tony thinks it is easy _ English.A. study B. learns C. to learn D. studies9.I know Lillian Li enjoys _out with English-speaking friends.A. go B. went C. gone D. going10.Why dont you _your teacher for help?A. ask B. to ask C. asking D. asks11.Why did you quarrel with your mum?She was always _ a little guy.A. regarding me as B. Thinking me as C. treating me like D. thinking of me like12.When I spoke English, people there always laughed _me.A. at B. in C. over D. from13. When I was a child, I used to _ strawberry.A. liking B. like C. liked D. likes14. It _ that he has been ill for a long time.A. seems B. looks C. looks as ifD. seems as if15. He is afraid of _ strangers.A. see B. seeing C. saw D. seen16. I used to have short hair but now I have _ hair.A. curly B. longC. straight D. yellow17. I dont like going out . Im very _.A. funny B. quiet C. quite D. active18. My sister likes music. My father used to take her to the _.A. museum B. amusement park C. concerts D. hospital19. Dont _ about things so much. It will make you stressed out.A. afraid B. terrify C. terrifiedD. worry20. I used to be shy. I couldnt _.AaloneB. speak in front of a large groupC. say anythingD. try21.The biggest trouble I came across _ English was how to learn the words by heart.A. to study B. studying C. in study D. study22._ you remember me .Im Dania, your childhood friend?A. dont B. Dont C. Do not D. do not23.Youre Paula,_?A. are you B. do you C. arent you D. dont you24.People _ change. But I dont think our friendship change, either.A. sure B. surely C. be sure D. be surely25.You used to be really little fat,_ you?A. did B. Didnt C. didnt D. Did26.Martin hated _ when his mother sent him to a boarding school.A. it B. her C this D. that27.His father makes a living driving a taxi.A by B with C for D through28.Girls are usually of spiders and insects.A sure B terrified C made D kinds29.Children often make mistakes spelling.A for B in C on D at30. No children to watch this kind of movie because its too scary.A. should allow B. shouldnt be allowed C. should be allowed D. dont allow31 Do you always spend lots of time playing computer games?No, but I spend much time my homework.A. on; in B. on; on C. in; on D. in; in32 like writing my own original sentences the grammar Ive learned.A. use B to use C used D using33.You should the new words that you dont know how to spell.A look for B look after C look up D look down34.Did you play the computer games?A used to B use to C usednt to D use35.Do you have any trouble the foreigners?A to understand B understand C understanding D understood36.Mary wont go and Peter wont go ,_.A. too B. also C. either D. neither37.-What have you done _the bananas?-I have given them away.A. at B. in C. with D. on38. The_ should be taken good care of. They are too young.A. one-year-old B. one-year-olds C. one-years-old D. one-year-old child39. -Where is Mrs. Jones? She is wanted on the phone.-She isnt in the office. She _ to the hospital.A. has gone B. has been C. went D. goes40. I think _ vocabulary lists _ us a lot.A. Make, help B. making, helps C. makes, helping D. making, help41. Can you tell me what to wear at the party? If I you, I the blue jeans.A. am; will wear B. was, will wear C. were, would wear D. were, wore42. You should concentrate your work.A. in B. at C. on D. with43.Stars cant in the daytime.A. saw B. see C. seen D. be seen44. Parents should not be too strict teenagers.A. for B. with C. in D. on45. If I you , Id wear a shirt and the tie.A. was B. am C. were D. is46. A: I finished my work. B:A. So do I. B. So does I. C. So have I. D. So
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