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九年级英语第一轮复习资料Unit 7 Book9【词汇检测】1累人的_2教育的_3和平的_4迷人的_5令人激动的_6不紧张_7旅行_8瀑布_9游客很多的_10公众注意中心_11思考_12活跃的_13教堂_14方便的_15地下的1_6全面的_17大体上_18酒_19翻译_20把打包_21轻的_22奇妙的_23提供_24给提供_25公司_26地点_27孔子_28驾驶_29太平洋_30发现物_31进快的_32继续_33设计_34翻译员_35结论_36实现_37态度_【短语集中】1. take it easy 2. hope to do 3. consider doing 4. be supposed to do 5. set up 6. a tourist spot 7. provide sb. with sth = provide sth. for sb. 8. continue to do 9. go sailing 10. swim/go across=cross 11. hear from sb. =receive /get a letter from sb. 12. so that 13. be on leave 14. be on a visit to sp 15. go on vacation /a trip 16. on business 17. on the other hand 18. hold on 19. be willing to do 20. some day =someday 21. light clothes 22. In general 23. its best to do 24. come true 25. according to 26. quite a few 27. less realistic 28. not too hot 29. near the ocean 30. fantastic beaches 31. the capital of France 32. trek through 33. exciting vacations 34. come for dinner【句子再现】1. I hope to see Niagara Falls some day.2. I like places where the weather is always warm.3. Why not consider visiting Paris? 3. Paris is the capital of France and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe.4. For example, it has some fantastic sights.5. Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money, but its usually convenient to take the underground train to most places.6. In general, though, France is quite an expensive place.7. So unless you speak French yourself, its best to travel with someone who can translate things for you.8. Isnt it supposed to be very hot? Yes, it is. Im going to pack light clothes.9. I hope you can provide me with some information about the kinds of vacations that your firm can offer.10. It has to be a place where we can do lots of outdoor activities11. We especially love hiking and swimming , but any kind of outdoor activity is fine.12. It would be nice if we could get a room with a kitchen so we could save money by cooking our own meals.13. Could you please give me some suggestions for vacation spots?14. Wed like to be away for about three weeks.15. Shanghai is cold this time of year. You need to pack warm clothes if you go there.16. It seems that some students would like to start work as soon as possible, so that they can help provide better lives for their parents.17. Other students hope to continue studying after finishing school and to go to university.18. According to the survey, the most popular choice of job is computer programming .19. Many students said they would like to be volunteers at the 2008 Olympics, maybe working as translators or tour guides. Quite a few said they dream of going to the moon.20. Many students reported that they were willing to work hard to achieve their dreams.21. Some said theyd love to go on exciting trips; one student said shed love to sail across the Pacific Ocean.22. It was clear from the survey that teenagers have similar hopes.23. It seems that most students hope to have a good education and find a good job.24. It is very important to dream, so hold on to your dreams; one day they may just come true.【疑点注释】1. Where would you like to go on vacation, Sam? (P52)山姆,你想去哪儿度假呀?(1)go on是不及物动词词组,意为“继续”,其后不能跟名词或代词作宾语。The teacher asked him to stop talking, but he still went on.老师叫他别讲,可他还是讲个不停go on后面可以接动词不定式或动词-ing形式,但它们的意义不同。Lets go on discussing the question. 咱们继续谈论这个问题吧。Lets go on to discuss the question. 咱们接着谈论另外一个问题吧。短语链语go on with表示“继续”,后面可直接跟名词或代词作宾语。Then Miss Gao went back to her desk and went on with the lesson.然后高老师回到讲桌后边,继续上课。go on with可与go on doing sth 互换。Go on with your work(=Go on doing your work).继续做你的工作去吧。特别提示holiday还可以用来表示“节日”,“纪念日”。Everyone was in his holiday clothes. 人人都穿上了节日的盛装。2. v-ing型形容词和v-ed型形容词本单元出现了大量v-ing型形容词,那么大家对它的用法熟悉吗?在英语中,某些动词的后面加上-ing或-ed,可以变成形容词。v-ing型形容词具有主动或进行的含义,是人或物本身所具有的品质。常见的词有:surprisesurprising 令人惊奇的 exciteexciting令人兴奋的boreboring 令人讨厌的 interestinteresting 有趣的developdeveloping 发展中的 movemoving 感人的inspireinspiring 鼓舞人心的v-ed型形容词具有被动或已完成的含义,是由于受到某种影响而产生的结果。常见的词有:surprisesurprised感到惊奇的 borebored 感到厌恶的exciteexcited 感到兴奋的 interestinterested感兴趣的developdeveloped 发达的 movemoved 受感动的inspireinspired受到鼓舞的 pleasepleased 高兴的3. For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris? (P54)下一次假期为什么不考虑去巴黎呢?(1)Why not+动词原形相当于Why dont you+动词原形,表示“为什么不”,常用来向别人提建议。Why not study hard? 为什么不努力学习?Why dont you ask the policeman for help? 怎么不向那个警察寻求帮助呢?(2)consider 表示“考虑,细想”,相当于think about,后面接动词时,应用动词的-ing形式。I first
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