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级英语第一轮复习资料Unit 9 Book9【词汇检测】1发明_2用来做_3用勺舀_4可调整的_5后跟_6电池_7操作_8拖鞋_9电灯_10电灯炮_11微波_12微波炉_13脆的_14含盐的_15酸的_16错误地_17厨师_18撒_19意外_20饮料_21根据_22古老的_23传说_24烧开_25灌木_26陷入_27剩余28生产_29合意的_30这样_31馅饼_32飞碟_33面包店_34投_35柠檬_36小舔饼干_37算盘_38双筒望远镜_39百年_40级别_41活泼的_42混合物_43在户内_44创造_45木制的_46敲打_47撞上_48分开_49目标_50筐_51金属_52铁环_53射击_54低于_55篮板_56指导_57向,往_58球场_59发展_60计算器_61普及_62rise的过去时_63世界性的_64协会_65装备_【短语集中】1. scoop really cold ice cream2. see in the dark3. shoes with adjustable heels4. by mistake5. by accident6. not salty enough7. make the customer happy8. the history of chips9. sprinkle salt on them10. the most popular drink 11. according to an ancient Chinese legend12. fall into the water13. produce a pleasant smell14. one of the worlds favorite drinks15. flying disk16. boil drinking water 17. over an open fire18. metal pie plate19. in the 1950s20. taste sweet 21. prefer lemons to oranges22. the sour taste23. crispy cookies24. be easily broken25. in the sixth century26. throw the ball to each other 27. for fun and exercise28. during the long winter29. on a hard wooden floor30. move towards one end of the court31. become an Olympic event32. a team from China【句子再现】1. When was the car invented? It was invented in 1885.2. What are they used for? Theyre used for seeing in the dark.3. What do you think is the most helpful invention? I think the most helpful invention is the light bulb.4. The customer thought the potatoes werent thin enough.5. Mom added salt but it still wasnt salty enough.6. She likes crispy cookies. They are hard, dry and easily broken.7. The abacus was invented in the sixth century by the Chinese.8. When he was at college, his class was once asked to invent a new game that could be played indoors during the long winters.9. Dr Naismith created a game to be played on a hard wooden floor, so the safety of the players was important.10. Dr Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams and taught them how to play his new game.11. The aim of basketball is for players to get a ball into the “basket”: a net hanging from the metal hoop.12. Players shoot from below the basket and may use the backboard for guiding the ball into the basket.13. It is believed that on December 21st,1891, the first basketball game in history was played.14. A team from China took part, and although they didnt win they used the experience to help develop the game at home.15. Since then, the popularity of basketball has risen worldwide, and the number of foreign players in Americas NBA has increased.Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world was invented by accident? Although tea wasnt brought to the western world until 1610, this beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that. According to an ancient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire. Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time. The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell. Later he decided to taste the hot mixture. It was quite delicious. And in this way, one of the worlds favorite drinks was invented.【疑点注释】1. Theyre used for seeing in the dark. (P69)它们被用于在黑夜里观看。be used for表示“被用来做”,介词for表示目的和用途,后面接名词或动词-ing形式。Wood can be used for making paper.木材可以被用来造纸。知识拓展含有be used的常用短语:be used as表示“被用作”,介词as意思是“作为”的意思,其后一般接名词,强调使用的工具及手段。This book can be used as a textbook.这本书可以当作教科书来用。be used by表示“被使用”,by后接动作的执行者。This kind of machine is used by farmers for getting in crops.农民们用这种机器来收割庄稼。2. I think the most helpful invention is the light bulb. (P70)我认为最有用的发明是灯泡。helpful是由名词help加上-ful后缀构成的形容词,意为“有帮助的”,类似的形容词还有:thankthankful (感谢的,感激的) grategrateful(感谢的,感激的)useuseful (有用的) wonderwonderful(令人惊奇的)forgetforgetful (健忘的) successsuccessful(成功的)beautybeautiful (美丽的) painpainful(疼痛的)3. Id like to have a radio because I could listen to music all day. (P70)我想有一个收音机,这样我就可以整天听音乐了。本句中的情态动词could用来表示逻辑上或理论上的可能性,而不是某种实际上将要发生或正在发生的可能性。Anybody could make mistake.任何人都可能犯错误。The weather here could be very cold in winter. 冬天这儿的天气很冷。特别提示could也表示人或动物的内在能力,有某种知识或者技能而能够做某事。He hurt his foot and couldnt play soccer. 他的脚受了伤,所以他不能踢足球了。4. The potato chips were invented by mistake. (P71)土豆条的发明纯属歪打正着。(1) potato chips是一个复合名词,其中第一个名词用作定语修饰后一个名词,这样的例子有很多,又如: alar
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