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中山一中2013届高三第二次统测英 语 试 题注:本试题分为语言知识及运用、阅读及写作三个部分,满分150分;考试用时120分钟。I、完形填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)Guess what? Your dog can get jealous when you pay attention to other dogs, other people or even other things.Dogs have complex 1 such as jealousy (嫉妒) and pride, according to a scientific research that throws new light on their relations with 2 .Animal psychologists previously believed most animals lacked “ 3 of self”, which is needed to experience secondary emotions such as 4 , embarrassment or guilt. These emotions are more complex than instant reactions such as anger or joy.Professor Friederike Range, from the University of Vienna, has shown that dogs are jealous when they feel unfairly treated 5 to other dogs. “Dogs show a strong 6 to inequity (不公平),” she said. “If one dog gets something, youd better believe another will 7 something as well.”But, her study points out that it doesnt matter if one gets a better treat and only that the distribution is 8 .The dog study is the latest into several 9 , including cows, horses, cats and sheep, which have 10 that animals are far more self-aware than they were thought.Paul Morris, a psychologist at the University of Portsmouth who studies animal emotions, told The Sunday Times: “We are learning that dogs, and horses are far more 11 complex than we ever realized. They can suffer simple forms of many feelings we once thought only primates (灵长类) could experience.”In research among 12 , Morris found almost all of them reported 13 behavior by their pets. The dog often tried to get their owner away from a new lover in the early days of a relationship.Behavior experts recommend owners keeping their dogs 14 as much as possible from a new partner or child. This helps to 15 jealous activity of the dog such as interruptions with barking or whining (哀嚎).1. A. emotions B. ideas C. experienceD. realization2. A. cats B. animals C. scientistsD. humans3. A. feeling B. sense C. care D. relation4. A. happiness B. anger C. jealousy D. sadness5. A. related B. compared C. connectedD. combined6. A. effect B. reaction C. effort D. influence7. A. need B. concern C. demand D. hope8. A. good B. fair C. delightful D. favorable9. A. species B. kinds C. sorts D. varieties10. A. covered B. played C. displayedD. shown11. A. physically B. morally C. emotionallyD. mentally12. A. students B. dog owners C. professors D. doctors13. A. angry B. joyful C. jealous D. guilty14. A. up B. downC. out D. away15. A. prevent B. keep C. protectD. protestII:语法填空(共2篇 20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)(A) If you have decided to study abroad, you might be looking for effective ways to prepare your language skills before you depart. Some students attend ESL (English as a Second Language) classes while others practice with 16 conversational partner. However, for those in situations 17 _ these two options are not available, studying ESL online might be the next alternative. During the past decade, many websites have appeared on the Internet, providing ESL activities 18 (help) people practice the major language skills like grammar, reading, 19 vocabulary. Perhaps the 20 (great) interests for students are websites that focus on listening and speaking skills. Since high-speed connections appeared, things 21 (change) greatly. 22 you want to find a site that is suitable for you, you should look among those that combine good contents with a user-friendly interface and style. Finally, no matter which site you end up 23 (visit), you should set some goals 24 your study. 25 might include the number of vocabulary you want to learn, specific grammar structures you want to review, and even how many minutes you want to read aloud from a newspaper in English.(B)The number of people living on Earth has grown by more than two-thirds since 1963. Human population _26_ (expect) to be over 9 billion in 2050. Environmentalists agree that many, _27_ not all, of the environmental problems are _28_ caused or worsened by population growth.Problems such as the _29_ (lose) of half of the planets forests and the change of climate are _30_ (close) related to the fact _31_ human population has increased from only millions in prehistoric times to over 6 billion today,” says Robert Engelman of Population Action International.The group fears that in the _32_ (come) decades half of the worlds population will suffer from “water-stress” conditions. In less developed countries, cultural traditions _33_ encour
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