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江苏省2014届准高三英语 完形+阅读 暑假限时训练2I. 完形 This battle, if I can call it that, started almost two years ago when my daughter insisted that I buy her a talking clock. _1_ as a good father, with the_2_of teaching her time, I went to the shop and, as instructed by my daughter,_3_this talking digital clock.By default (默认值), the_4_appeared in degrees Fahrenheit. I pressed_5_of the buttons on the clock but no matter how hard I tried, I wasnt able to_6_it into degrees Celsius. I had a couple of other digital clocks in which there was a separate button to change the temperature settings. This was_7_ here. I opened a few screws (螺丝钉) but it was all_8_.The thing with the digital clock is that when you put the battery in it, it displays all the fields and it now had the all important degrees Celsius sign on it as well._9_ moved on. Every day when I saw the clock, I would think, “What would be the way to change the_10_of the temperature?”Fast-forward to 9:30 am this morning. I just picked up the clock again. my_11_told me that every time I pressed the “mode” button, there was a(n)_12_action and so this time I went very_13_, one by one. and Bingo! There it was the_14_ had been won. It now proudly displays the temperature in degrees Celsius. I was so_15_that I even took a picture.What this small_16_taught me was that I knew what I wanted was_17_right in front of me, and all that was required was the right frame of mind to_18_it.Thats what life has_19_for all of us. If you know that something is achievable then all you need is the right attitude. Victory is just a matter of_20_.1. A. So B. Yet C. If D. Though2. A. mood B. belief C. intent D. idea3. A. took out B. picked up C. put away D. turned up4. A. time B. picture C. sound D. temperature5. A. all B. some C. most D. none6. A. develop B. change C. divide D. make7. A. left B. broken C. misplaced D. missing8. A. in place B. in effectC. in vain D. in practice9. A. Time B. We C. The clock D. The problem10. A. state B. display C. degrees D. accuracy11. A. wife B. daughter C. mind D. judgment12. A. large B. importantC. necessary D. corresponding13. A. hard B. fastC. slowly D. efficiently14. A. game B. battle C. contest D. clock15. A. curious B. surprised C. confident D. excited16. A. incident B. accident C. event D. business17. A. never B. always C. seldom D. ever18. A. impress B. remove C. solve D. arrange19. A. in store B. in need C. in time D. in turn20. A. chance B. time C. choice D. confidenceII阅读(A) Scholarship Application Tips in 2013 for college studentsl Before you apply1. Work hard to get good grades. Dont sweat about one bad grade, but always strive to do your best.2. Get involved, and stay involved, in extracurricular (课外的) activities. Sports, clubs, drama, bands and orchestras these often count toward a students overall scholarship application evaluation. The same goes for paid (or unpaid) work experience.3. Begin your scholarship research early by your sophomore (大学二年级) or junior year of high school, if possible. Make special note of application deadlines, as they can vary from late summer to late spring.4. Apply for as many scholarships as you are eligible (符合条件的) for several smaller scholarships can add up to a lot of money.l During the application process1. Read the supplementary (补充的) materials that come with scholarship application forms to better understand the programs focus (community service, subject interest). Try to answer the questions with the focus area in mind.2. Answer questions as they are asked. Dont go off topic.3. If there is a financial component (部分) to the application, make sure you get accurate and complete information from all appropriate sources to ensure your eligibility.4. Take your time. Write down everything you can think of for each question, then set the application aside for a day so you can look everything over again before you send it off.5. Dont wait until the last minute to complete your application, especially if you are applying online. Computer systems can get clogged (阻塞的) with the large volume of applicants hoping to submit their qualifications during the last few days and hours before a deadline.6. If a third party has to complete part of your application, such as providing a letter of recommendation, make sure you ask them early on and remind them as often as necessary to ensure they provide you with the necessary materials.7. Last but not least, review your application with your parents to make sure you havent left out any important details.Good luck to the students applying for the 2013 scholarship programs!21. Before you apply for a scholarship, its best to _.A. pay more attention to grades than to extr
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