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9A基础知识综合训练1选择题: ( )1 Its generous _ them to donate money to UNICEF . They think it important_ _them to help children go to school . A. to ; for B. for ;of C. of ; to D. of ;for ( )2. Tony has much difficulty _Chinese , so he often asks me _help . A. to understand ;with B. understanding ; of C. to ;understand ;for D. understanding ;for( )3 You should be strict _ yourselves and strict _your work . A. in ; with B. with ; in C. in ; in D. with ;with ( )4.ou look _.What do you _? A. worry; worry about B. worry; worried aboutC. worried; worry about D. worried; worried about( )5 I am going to spend more time on the problem. I wont _. A. give it out B. give up it C. give it up D. give it away ( )6 Although they are friends, they often_ each other when they have different opinions. A. argue about B. argue with C. quarrelled about D. fight with( )7 He _rather go home _at school .A. would; than to stay B. should ;than to stay C. would; than stay D. would; than staying ( )8 There_ a number of teachers in that school, and the number of the teachers_over150. A. is ; is B. is ; are C. are ; is D. are ;are ( )9 Judy was sad because her pet dog was found _ this morning . A. die B. death C. to die D. dead ( )10The policemen put all their effort _ solving the case . A. in B. into C. to D. on ( )11.r. Wang_ all his lifetime _the education for the poor people. A. devote; with B. devoting; of C. devote ;on D. devoted; to ( )12How long _ each other before they_ married ? A. have they known; get B. did they know; were going C. do they know; get D. had they known; got ( )13. cant believe such a bright young man was charged_ with shoplifting. A. for B. with C. of D. in ( )14.r. Fang became a famous director _. A. in his mid-forty B. in his mid-forties C. at his mid-forty D. at his mid-forties( )15Mother asked Peter_. A. why didnt he clean his bedroom B. why he wont clean his bedroom C. why he hadnt cleaned his bedroom D. why doesnt he clean his bedroom ( )16If eating will make you-_ , you can go to your favourite restaurant _a delicious meal. A. happily; to have B. happy; having C. happy; to have D. happily; having ( )17Many of the teenagers in our country _ from _. A. suffering; stressed B. suffer; stress C. are suffering from; stressed D. suffered; stressed( )18After hearing the news that there would be a football match this Saturday, the boys_. A. became exciting B. became excited C. to become excited D. become happy( )19Which student is the most suitable person to be a good monitor? A. Student A is a little selfish, but he is energetic and active.B. Student B is hard-working and stubborn. Once he makes up his mind, he will never give up. C. Student C is organized and confident. He is also easy-going. Many students like to ask him for help because he is wise D.Student D is very imaginative and creative, but sometimes he is a little careless.( )20.Lily prefers_ computer games_ reading novels.A. playing, than B. playing, to C. play, toD. play, than( )21. - Thank you for your help. - ._ . Thats what friends are for.A. With pleasure B. My pleasure C. Youre right D. Sorry to hear that( )22. Please pass me _ magazine on the table. A. a B. an C. the D.不填( )23. Audrey Hepburn began taking ballet lessons _ a very young age. A. in B. at C. to D. wit( )24. I saw Daniel in the library _. Im not sure ifhe is still there. A. at times B. so far C. right now D. just now( )25. I used to go without breakfast, _ that was a long time ago,A. and B. but C. so D. or( )26. Sorry, I dont want to go shopping now. I would rather _at home. A. to stay B. stay C. stayed D. staying( )27. - How much food is there in the fridge?- There is _. Lets go and get some. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. none( )28. I hope a lot of pop stars can _ to the charity show. A. invite B. have invited C. be invited D. invited( )29. The hot bath made me _ so good. A. feel B. feels C. to feel D. feeling( )30. Please drink a
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