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河南省郑州市新世纪学校2012届高三英语专题总复习精选强化练习题(八十二).语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)1_ I have enough energy left after a days hard work, I will go dancing in one of the clubs.AWould BShall CShould DCan2The film brought the hours back to me when I was_ in that faraway village.Apicked up Btaken upCbrought up Dmade up3Can you_ me a job when I get there?You know, I have to work in order to pay for my schooling.Aprovide BguaranteeCarrange Dapply4The famous actor keeps fit by _ for half an hour every morning.Aacting out Bworking outCgiving out Dbringing out5The traveller, _ inexperienced,doesnt know how to plan a trip.Ato be Bbeing Cis Das being6Samuel Clemens,_ as Mark Twain, was one of the most famous American writers.Ato know Bto be knownCknown Dknowing7I tried to pretend that I didnt care,but it was impossible to avoid_.Ato be affected Bbeing affectedCto affect Daffecting8Going on a trip _ be expensive and difficult,so making a plan is necessary.Amust Bought to Cshall Dcan9His fans knew they would leave the theatre_ even when Chaplin played a sad or lost character.Ato smile BsmilingCsmiled Dhaving smiled10The hiker hoped that his strength would_ until he reached the destination.Astay Bkeep Ccontinue Dlast11In some Western countries, demand for graduates from MBA is _ to have fallen down.Asuggested BdemandedCprevented Dthought12People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this _ creates further problems.Ain turn Bin allCin case Din time13_the hardships teenagers face, I believe somewhere in between the tears and the anger that we can all enjoy our time as “young adults”ANow that BBecause ofCWhatever DDespite14There was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that we_ gave up.Aeventually BunfortunatelyCgenerously Dpurposefully15Our school library can_ all kinds of good books _ the students.Asupply;with Bprovide;forCoffer;for Dgive; to.完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)August 23 is a blue day for me.When I look back on the day,I cant help feeling depressive.At 700 am.,the_16_from my alarm clock forced me to open my eyes.The room was in gloom.It was_17_outside.How comfortable it would be if I could stay in my bed for the whole day,listening to the sound of rain and enjoying laziness._18_it was time to get up to prepare breakfast for my husband.He was_19_to attend an important meeting at 800,I spent 5 minutes pushing me into the kitchen._20_knows the terrible day began at this moment.When I turned on the tap,there was no water out.I was_21_.Suddenly,I remembered the hateful notice posted on the buildings entrance about a(n)_22_water outage in the morning.I forgot it because of returning_23_from a birthday party.I searched all the water containers in the kitchen.There was no_24_water for my husbands clean,least cooking food.It was 720.I had no time to_25_.I called a friend living in next building for some water.Under her help,my husband finally had gone for the meeting_26_.Sighs,I thought that I could go to bed to_27_my dream.In the dark,silent bedroom,I was quickly back in my dream of last nightfighting against a mosquito.All of a sudden,I was_28_by furious knocks at my door.I rushed to the door but slipped down and hit the ground heavily.The horrible pain in my right leg and ankle attacked me over all_29_I couldnt stand up and move.At this moment,I was shocked by a horrible screen.I was_30_in water.All rooms were in water,2 inches deep,like a swimming pool.Hearing the sounds from taps,I realized that I left the taps_31_when I went to bed.What a stupid mistake!My leg hurt like hell,but I tried to move bit by bit to the door.I opened the door before I was totally exhausted.My neighbor_32_all the taps and called the ambulance.In hospital,the Xray showed that my_33_was broken.Tears continuously ran down.I felt painful and lonely.I couldnt_34_my husband,for he turned off his cell phone during the meeting.At supper time,I finally saw him in the hospital.So I_35_along with my husband to end the unlucky day soon.16A.scream Bcry Cvoice Dstream17A.snowing Bblowing Crunning Draining18A.So BBut CEven if DAs if19A.considered BsupposedCprogrammed Ddelayed20A.What BWhich CWho DWhoever21A.confused BdisappointedCfrightened Dembarrassed22A.permenant BemergentCtemporary Dvoluntary23A.early Blate Cregulary Dhurriedly24A.efficient BeffectiveCconvenient Dsufficient25A.waste Bspend Cafford Dsupply
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