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Unit4 Task and Self-assessment基础巩固练一、单项选择题(共6题,共24分)1. Oh, you cometo school by taxi today.I _ take ataxi to school, but my bike is broken (坏了) today.A. alwaysB. sometimesC. oftenD. seldom2. Its fun _in the river in summer.A. swimmingB. swimC. swimsD. to swimming3. Its time forclass. All the students _ the lesson in the classroom.A. get readyB. getC. readyD. get ready for4. The twinbrothers often put the same present in _ stocking on Christmas Day.A. each othersB. each otherC. each othersD. each others5. (2016白银)We talked about _ new words.A. learnB. learnedC. learning.D. to learn6. _ doesyour father play tennis after work? Every Tuesday.A. HowoftenB. How soonC. WhereD. Why二、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词。(共5题,共20分)1. You can seeapples in many places in the _ (世界).2. Do you know howto _ (学习) English well?3. Can you giveme your _ (理由) why you were late again, Jim?Sorry, Miss Li, Imissed the bus.4. My pet dog,three years old now, _ (不喜欢) to stay alone (独自).5. Its time foryou to get r_ for breakfast now, Mum.三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(共10题,共40分)1. My dream is tobe a famous doctor and save patients _ (life).2. (2016临沂)Brush your teeth at least _ (two) a day: in the morning and beforebedtime.3. Does Danielneed _ (practice) the game again and again?4. Who is the_ (one) to come to school? Oh, its Mary.5. Remember togive my best _ (wish) to your teachers.6. Would you like_ (do) after-school activities? Yes. But I have no time.7. My friendsometimes goes to her _ (dance) lessons.8. _ (wake)up! Its time for breakfast.9. _ (shop)is fun. I like it very much.10. Everyone inour class _ (study) hard.四、根据汉语提示完成句子。(共4题,共16分)1. 做早操有助于我们为一天做好准备。Doing morningexercises helps us _ _ _ the day.2. 你喜欢和你的朋友们聊天吗?Do you like _ _ _?3. 我喜欢做眼保健操。它对我的眼睛有好处。I like _ _. Its _ _ my eyes.4. 她对电脑了解很多。She _ _ about computers.
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