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Unit6 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit基础巩固练一、单项选择题(共10题,共50分)1. Thesevegetables are good _ you.A.atB.withC.inD. for2. Youlook so healthy!Yeah,I like eating apples. They keep the doctor _.A. outB. fromC.offD. away3. Mum,Im hungry. May I have some _?Sure.But dont eat too much.A.hamburgerB.milkC.juiceD.bread4. (2016丹东)Whatkind of noodles would you like?Id like some _noodles.A. carrotsB. beefC. potatoesD. vegetables5.(2016铜仁) Howlong can I _this book?Five days. But youmust return it on time.A.borrowB.lendC.keepD. kept6. _apple _day can help us keep healthy.A. A; aB. An; anC.An; aD. A; an7. Amy often eatssome _ and_ after lunch.A. tomatoes;pearsB. tomatos; pearsC. tomatos;pearesD. tomatoes;peares8.Give _nine apples, OK?A. IB.meC.myD.our9. Simon _collecting (收集) stamps very much.A. likeB. isC. likesD. are10. (2016昆明)Donteat junk food. Its bad for you._.A. Sorry, IwontB. Sure, IwillC. Take iteasyD. Never mind二、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词(共5题,共25分)1. Many girls likeeating _ (巧克力).2. (2016镇江)Grandma went to the market and bought some meat, eggs and _(西红柿)for lunch.3.Id like to have a _(西瓜)after supper.4. Eatingvegetables every day is good for our _ (健康).5.(2016聊城) Carrots and _(鸡蛋)are good for your eyes.三、选词填空(共1题,共5分)1.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。health keep chicken fruit meat(1)(1) I want to buysome _two kilos (千克)of pork and a kilo of beef.(2) Why do youlike eating _?(3) Apples andbananas are both my favourite _?(4) Today Id liketo talk about _eating habits.(5) Do you knowthat doing exercise every day _you strong and happy?四、补全句子(共5题,共20分)1.咱们吃些胡萝卜吧!Lets _ _!2.吃太多零食对我们来说是没有好处的。Eating too manysnacks _ _ _ _ _.3.吃太多肉不健康。Eating _ _ isnot healthy.4.蔬菜是我的最爱。Vegetables _ _.5.我喜欢看有关生活方式的书。I like _ _ _.
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