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Unit5 Grammar基础巩固练一、单项选择题(共5题,共20分)1. (2016菏泽)_ teachers will you miss the most after junior high school, Lisa?Ms Lee and MrHunt.A. WhoseB. WhichC. What2. (2016青岛)_ do you usually share happiness with?My parents and mybest friend.A. WhoB. WhoseC. WhatD. How3. (2016黄石)Hey, Jane. _ are you feeling now?Much better.Thanks.A. WhatB. WhereC. HowD. When4. (2016大连)_ will the match between HAS and BIG be held?In our schoolstadium.A. WhenB. WhereC. WhyD. How5. _ do youwater the flowers?About once a day.A. HowlongB. How muchC. How soonD. How often二、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词。(共5题,共20分)1. Why do you haveso many _ (问题)?2. Are there any _(东西,物品)in the room? No, there arent.3. There are some_ (饺子)and meat on the table.4. How old areyour _ (祖父母)? They are 62 years old.5. I dont likethe colour of these toy cars. Do you have any _ (其他的)ones?三、用合适的疑问词或短语填空。(共10题,共40分)1. _ beautifuldresses are those?They are Milliesand Kittys.2. _ do youusually come to school?On foot.3. _is thatboy in front of the building?He is my cousinTony.4. _ dontyou ride a bike to sch0017Because my homeis near the school.5. _ penwould you like?Id like the blackone.6. _ is yourEnglish book?It is in my desk.7. _ is yourfather?He is a cook.8. _ is itnow?It is 9:30 a.m.9. _ areyou?I am fifteenyears old.10. _ do youdo morning exercises?After the secondclass in the morning.四、句型转换。(共5题,共20分)1. The supermarketis two miles from the hotel.(对画线部分提问)_ _ isthe supermarket from the hotel?2. They singand dance on his birthday.(对画线部分提问)_ _ they_ on his birthday?3. We likeswimming because it is fun.(对画线部分提问)_ _ youlike swimming?4. We can cutout the pumpkin to make a pumpkin lantern.(对画线部分提问)_ can you_ to make a pumpkin lantern?5. I go to schoolon a bus.(同义句转换)I go to school_ _.
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