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Unit7 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 课后巩固训练一、单项选择题(共4题,共32分)1. The bag was very good, and she _ 30percent down for it.A. paidB. costC. boughtD. spent2. He has to _ 20 yuan on the book.But I neednt _ any money for it.A. pay; spendB. pay; payC. spend; payD. spend; spend3. They are going to raise a lot of moneyfor _.A. poorB. the poorC. richD. the rich4. Millie is _. She often helps oldpeople cross the road.A. carefulB. helpfulC.hard-workingD. sporty二、阅读理解(共5题,共40分)1.Last Sunday itwas sunny. Neil and some of his classmates went to the countryside(乡下) for a picnic. They put up atent under a big tree. Then boys began to make a fire and girls prepared food.Suddenly, theyheard someone crying for help from the lake nearby. They rushed towards thelake. They saw a little girl in the middle of the lake. She couldnt swim atall. Neil took off his coat at once and jumped into the lake. He tried to swimto the girl. The lake wasvery deep and the water was cold, but Neil wasnt afraid, he took the girl tothe bank(岸边). Withthe help of his classmates, Neil helped the girl out of water.After Neil gotto the ground, he lost his sense(知觉). He wasnt out of danger until six hours later. He had to stay inhospital for a week. Lots of teachers and students came to visit him. Theybrought him flowers and gifts. They all recommended Neil for the Best StudentAward.(1)How was the weather last Sunday?A.Warm. B.Hot. C.Cool. D.Sunny.(2)Where did they put up a tent?A.In a classroom. B.Under a big tree. C.In the middle of the lake. D.On the bank.(3)When Neil was in the lake, he _.A.couldnt swim at all B.felt a little afraid C.lost his sense D.tried to save the little girl(4)How long was Neil in danger?A.For sixhours. B.For a week. C.For sixweeks. D.For a month.(5)What is the best title of the passage?A.A happypicnic B.The best student award C.What a braveboy D.A little girl三、句型转换(共4题,共28分)1. Be careful!_ _! = _ _!2. Some organisations give awards to peoplefor the things they do.Some organisations _ _ _ forthe things they do.3. I spent 258 yuan on the shirt.I _ 258 yuan _ the shirt.4. Millie wants to send Tommy some pictures.Millie wants to _ some pictures _Tommy.
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