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Unit7 Task and Self-assessment 课后巩固训练一、单项选择题(共5题,共25分)1. Did you _ Tom last night?A. heard fromB. heard ofC. hear fromD. hear of2. There are not _ for us _.A. rooms enough; to liveB. enough rooms; to live inC. room enough; to live inD. enough rooms; to live3. Millie is _ English and doing morereading is _ her study.A. good at; good forB. good at; good atC. good for; good forD. good for; good at4. He put on his coat and _.A. go outB. goes outC. went outD. going out5. She is a _ girl.A. nine-years-oldB. nine-year-oldC. nine-years oldD. nine year old二、阅读理解(共5题,共25分)1.Professor Brownwas very absent-minded. He had gone to visit a friend who lived not far fromthe college. They had dinner and then talked and talked, for Brown was a greattalker. Midnight came, one oclock, two oclock, and still Brown kept ontalking, though by this time the friend was feeling very tired and kept lookingat the clock. He didnt want to be impolite, but at last he said, “Brown, mydear fellow (伙伴), Ihate to put you out, but I have a class at nine oclock in the morning, and Imust go to bed.”“My God!” saidBrown, blushing (脸红)and looking awkward(尴尬的), “I think you were at my house.”(1)Professor Brown worked in a _.A.college B.village C.school D.city(2)His friends house was _ the college.A.near B.far from C.by D.at the end of(3)Mr Brown talked _ at his friends house.A.immediately B.a long time C.not very long D.a short time(4)While keeping on talking, his friend felt_.A.happy B.tiring C.tired D.glad(5)From the passage, we know that ProfessorBrown was both _ and _.A.talkative; quiet B.helpful; tired C.talkative; absent-minded D.careless; absent-minded三、完形填空(共10题,共50分)1.I had a veryunusual experience(经历)on Sunday. At ten in the morning, I was (1) down thestreet when a UFO landed right (2) of me. You can imagine(想象) (3) strange it was! An alien (4) and walked down Centre Street. I followed it to see (5) it wasgoing, and I was very surprised when it went (6) a souvenirshop. While it was (7) at the souvenirs(纪念品), the shop assistant calledthe (8) . Before the police arrived, the alien left the (9) and then visited the Museum of Flight. (10) the alienwas in the museum, I called the TV station. Isnt that amazing!(1)A. arriving B.walking C.looking(2)A. in front B.before C.at(3)A. what B.when C.how(4)A. got in B.got on C.got out(5)A. where B.when C.which(6)A. onto B.on C.into(7)A.walking B.looking C.giving(8)A. police B.teacher C.driver(9)A. school B.shop C.street(10)A.While B. What C.Which
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