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Unit5 单元检测题一、单项选择1.The birds singing came into our room _ the window and woke me up in the early morning.A. downB. fromC. throughD. across2.I _ him carefully, but I _ nothing.A. heard; listen toB. hear; listenC. listened; heardD. listened to; heard3.I think you need _ some books for your study.A. buysB. buyingC. to buyD. bought4.May I have _ orange juice?Sorry, there _ juice here.A. some more; is no moreB. some more; isnt no moreC. any more; no moreD. much more; isnt no more5.How do you like the movie?_A. Its wonderful.B. What about you?C. Yes, thank you.D. No, I dont like it at all.6.The old man lived in that _ place _.A. lonely; lonelyB. alone; aloneC. alone; lonelyD. lonely; alone7.Hi, boys. How was your party yesterday?Wonderful! We had a big meal and enjoyed _.A. themselvesB. myselfC. yourselvesD. ourselves8.The driver wanted _ his car near the roadside but was asked by the police not to.A. parkB. parkedC. to parkD. parking9.It takes me half an hour _ the piano every clay.A. playB. playingC. to playD. plays10._ I ask you a question?Sure.A. MayB. WouldC. ShouldD. Must11.It was dark outside. Sue decided _ to the bank alone.A. not goingB. going notC. not to goD. to not go12.Why dont you watch TV at home?Id love to, but my mother doesnt allow me _ that.A. doB. didC. to doD. doing13.The apples arent enough and will you please give me _ one?A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. others14.We want to know _.A. how to doB. how to do itC. what to do itD. how do it15.We shouldnt _ because the book is very important.A. take away themB. take it awayC. take them awayD. take away it二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.To our _(sad), the poor tiger died a week later.2.I failed _(save) enough money for a new bike last month.3.In the _(begin), I knew little about giant pandas.4.The museum is _(close) on Mondays.5.There is little time _(leave). We must hurry up.三、根据所给汉语意思,用合适的单词填空。1._(斑马) are not meat-eating animals. They mainly feed on plants.2.How _(厚) the snow is! Why not make a snowman?3.Lets stop to rest for a _(一会儿).4.Its a _(羞愧) that you made so many mistakes in the exercises.5.James runs too _(慢) to be a good football player.四、完形填空1. Wang Yue is a space lover. He and (1) five space lovers are the volunteers (志愿者) for the Mars-500 test project. During the project, they will live in a special building that is (2) to Mars. They will live there (3) about one and a half years, (4) it is called Mars-500.The project will be in a (5) . Although the volunteers (6) leave the building, they will feel they are on a real (7) to Mars. They cant go out of the building and (8) can visit them either, even their family.The project is to study “Man and Environment”. It will (9) the volunteers body and the experience of staying there. They will make reports to the Earth and the Earth will (10) them if they do the right thing or not.People are looking forward to the result.(1) A. other B. another C. any D. also(2) A. next B. kind C. same D. similar(3) A. for B. to C. at D. in(4) A. if B. though C. so D. but(5) A. hotel B. club C. building D. box(6) A. shouldnt B. werent C. didnt D. wont(7) A. trip B. station C. stop D. piece(8) A. nobody B. somebody C. anybody D. everybody(9) A. look for B. care about C. write down D. dress up(10) A. listen B. read C. say D. tell五、任务型阅读1.阅读下面的短文,根据所给首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。Do animals dream? It seems that they do. If you watch your dog or cat when it sleeps, you (1) m_ see that it moves its legs or other parts of its body. It seems that he or she is dreaming about running or maybe it is trying to (2) c_ something in its sleep.Scientists (3) s_ many animals like cats, dogs, mice, and monkeys when they sleep. They find out that cats and dogs seem to(4) s_ most of their sleeping time dreaming about running for their food. They say almost all warm-blooded (温血) animals dream. It is part of their (5) l_.The possum (负鼠) seems to spend most of its time dreaming. A possum usually sleeps (6) h_ up in the trees where they live. And, just like any other (7) l_ animals, they love to dream sweet dreams all day long.The anteater (食蚁兽) is a warm-blooded animal. But it (8) n_ dreams. What is the reason? Maybe thats because it
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