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Unit 12 At the zoo,1 Warm-up : What are they?,2 Work in pairs: Ask your partner about his/her family and his/ her career plan.,A: What does your father do ? B: He is a police officer. He has to work in all kinds of weather. A: Is your mother a police officer too? B: No , she isnt . she s an engineer. A: What might you want to do in the future? B: I might like to be a fireman A:Why? B: I like the idea of helping people. I also like the truck fireman drive. It could be an exciting job.,3, Read and answer the following questions inyour book,Questions : 1 What were David and his family watching? 2 What was Davids wish? 3 Who was the woman wearing the dark brown pants and top? 4 How long had Carol been a zookeeper? 5 What did Carol tell David and his family about her job?,4 Grammar Focus,have to 是客观上的“必须“,可以翻译为 不得不 must 强调主观意识 can是情态动词,“能”的意思,没有人称和数的变化。 could是can的过去式,它也可以表示一种委婉的问话。Could you may是可以,或许的意思,might是它的过去式。May I表示一种委婉的请求。,5 Work in pairs : Discuss what a good student should be like ? What might be the qualities of a good student,6 Write a paragrapg explaining a zookeepers job,Zookeeping isnt as easy as you may imagine. - Mostzookeepers have a degree in zoology - - - -,7 Project Work: Interview several strangers about their occupations. What are the best parts about the job? What are the problems? Exchange your interview results with group members and then write a report to the class,- - - - -,8 Just for Fun,A man went to work for a zoo vet. “ Look in the lions mouth,“ the vet told him. “ How do I do that ?“ he asked. “ Carefully,“ replied the vet.,See you,
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