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Unit 3,Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,Period 1 Section A 1a-2c,1执照,许可证 2全神贯注,专心于 3机会,时机 4代替,而不是 5自愿,志愿者 6会员,成员 7经历,体验 8地方的,当地的 9设计,构思 10刺穿,刺破 11愚蠢的,傻的 12不睡觉,熬夜,license (licence) concentrate on opportunity instead of volunteer member experience local design pierce silly stay up,Some useful expressions:,1 sixteen-year-olds 2 get ones ears pierced 3 be allowed to do sth. 4 drivers license 5 work at night 6 cut ones hair 7 stop to do sth./doing sth. 8 seem to do sth. 9 on weekends 10 at that age 11 instead of 12 do homework with friends 13 on school nights 14 go shopping 15 on Friday nights 16 go out 17 clean up 18 stay up,Some important sentences:,I think students should be allowed to do home- work with friends. I disagree. They talk instead of doing homework. Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive. I agree. They arent serious enough at that age. Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to choose their own clothes? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,被动语态,定义:表示主语是动作的承受者. 构成:助动词be+及物动词的过去分词。助动词有人称、时态和数的变化。 含有情态动词的被动语态:情态动词be及物动词的过去分词。 用法:当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者,或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者,或者只强调动作的承受者时,要用被动语态。,1.规则动词的过去分词:,1)一般情况在动词原形后加-ed,watch-watched,2)以不发音e结尾的加-d,practice-practiced,3)以辅音加y结尾的,去y变i加-ed,study-studied,4)以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母, 先双写该辅音字母,再加-ed,stop-stopped,2.不规则动词的过去分词:,am,is,are,been,have,has,had,do,done,write,written,go,gone,exercise,同义句转换,They should allow us to have part-time jobs. _. We should allow children to spend time with their friends. _. The teacher should allow Anna to finish the picture. _. Parents should allow children to choose their own friends. _.,The telephone _(invent) by Bell in 1876. The trees may _(plant) in spring. Teenagers should not _(allow) to drive. English _(speak) in Canada. Math must _ (study) well. We _(need) to learn English.,exercise,Finish the sentences,Listen and check what Kathy thinks. Circle : Agree” “disagree” or “Doesnt know” to show what Molly thinks.,grammar focus,Some knowledge points:,1 get ones ears pierced 2 allow sb. to do sth. / allow doing sth. 3 adj. + enough (enough + n.) 4 seem to do sth. 5 need to do sth. need doing sth.= need to be done sth. 6 so + 助动词 / be动词 / 情态动词 + 主语,We dont allow smoking in the library.,I have enough money to buy the TV set.,It seems that he doest have any friends.,The watch needs repairing.,The watch needs to be repaired.,1. If you want to drive a car, get the drivers l_first, please. 2. Tom, please s_smoking,its no good for your health. 3. mother is a policewoman. She is too busy, but she n_to spend time with Father and me. 4.Her mother doesnt allow her to get ears p_.,icense,top,eeds,ierced,1 Students should_to choose their own clothes. A allow B allowed C are allowed D be allowed 2 The flowers_by the students yesterday. A are watered B watered C were watching D were watered 3 Did you get your ears_? A pierce B to pierce C pierced D piercing 4 Do you think_should smoke? A sixteen-years-old B sixteen-year-olds C sixteen-years-olds D sixteen-year old 5 I think teenagers arent_to drive. A such serious B so serious C serious enough D enough serious 6“ Stop_, and listen to me,”the teacher said. A talk B talking C to talk D talked 7 Students should stay at home_school nights. A at B in C on D for 8 He likes playing basketball._. A So am I B So I am C So do I D So I do,D,D,C,B,C,B,C,C,Period 2,根据中文完成句子,1. 应该允许青少年选择自己的服装,Teenagers _ _ _ to choose their own clothes.,2. 安娜想穿耳洞.,Anna wants to _ _ _ _.,should be allowed,get her ears,pierced,3.我认为不应该允许岁的孩子开车,I think _ shouldnt be allowed to drive.,sixteen-year-olds,同义句转换,Parents should allow their children to choose their own clothes.,Children should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,2. Tom invited me to his party.,I was invited to the party.,Look at the following pictures, and make short conversations.,A: I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. B: I agree. They arent serious enough,Oral practice,A: I think teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends. B: I agree. They are old enough. They can look after themselves well.,A: I think students should be allowed to do homework with their friends. B: I disagree. They talk instead of doing homework.,Children should not be allowed to drive.,I agree. They are not old enough.,Sample dialogue 1: A: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to have mobile phones? B: Yes. Its convenient for students and their parents to communicate with each other.,2c PAIRWORK Make a list of things teenagers should and s
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