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Unit4,Welcome to the unit!,TV programmes,Do you often feel tired/stressed/sleepy? How do you relax yourself ?,watching TV / seeing films/ playing basketball / eating / playing computer games/ listening to music,actor,actress,host,hostess,TV announcers,They are broadcasting news live.,Where are TV programmes often made ?,studio(演播室;工作室),remote control,It can be used to control a machine from a distance,a far point or place,TV channel,TV station,6,A Quiz,actor broadcast remote control studio TV channel,send out programmes on radio or TV a room where TV programmes are made a person who performs in TV programmes, films,etc. Something that controls a machine from a distance a TV station,What TV programmes do you know?,It usually has a happy ending.,drama series (戏曲系列节目),nature history real-life events,documentary ,dkjumentri (记录片),learn a lot about _, _ and _ events from them,nature,history,real-life,chat show(节目),The host/hostess interviews them.,They often talk about their lives.,Some famous people attend .,game show,It needs people to answer the questions correctly, the winner will get a great _,prize(奖品,奖金),500,800,100,700,000,300,cartoons,_is made up of a series of drawings and is shown very quickly.,A cartoon,Fashion show,Music video,programmes on animals & nature,help us know more about animals and the nature.,Programmes on Cooking,You can learn how to cook meals, eat healthy food and keep fit.,movies,Movies/ films,Programmes on travel,sport,Programmes on,cartoons drama fashion films music video cooking nature news sport travel,Which programme do you like best/least? Why?,Work in pairs,A: What type of TV programmes is your favourite? B: My favourite is about nature. Because I can learn a lot from it. A: What about game show? B: I like it very much / I dont like it at all. Because it is very interesting and useful. What about you? A: I like comedies the most. Because the actors are always very funny .,How long do you often watch TV?,a couch potato,We call the person who spends too much time watching TV in the sofa a couch potato .,Do you think that Eddie is a couch potato ?,Lets see what his life style is like !,1. Is Eddie really far too busy to go shopping ?,2. How many hours does Eddie spend watching TV?,No.,Three hours.,Fill in the blanks:,Eddie & Hobo,Hobo wanted to _today. But Eddie said he was _ too busy _ go with Hobo. He had to watch TV _ 9 _ 12. Then he would like to _and _between 2 and 7. After that, it would be dinner time. Eddie thought a dogs work is never_.,far,to,from,to,have lunch,a sleep,go shopping,done,At 6:00 p.m., I will After that, I will From 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., I will Between 8:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., I will Finally, I will,have supper.,go out for a walk.,tell my son a story.,go to bed.,write my paper.,How to organize things well?,Time is far too valuable to waste!,choose one TV programme to watch,have a revision about,do homework,chat with friends on the Internet,read a magazine,play the piano,do more exercises about,At,After that,Fromto,Betweenand,Finally,Choose the right answer.,1. I feel _ better than yesterday. ( ) A. more B. very C. the D. far,2.A horse is _ than a dog. ( ) A.much heavy B.more heavier C.much heavier D.more heavy,3.The weatherman says that it is going to be _ warmer tomorrow. ( ) A. even B. more C. very D. much more,D,C,A,1.My mother likes watching programmes on _ (cook).,2.The boy was trapped in the hole and had nothing _ (eat) for two days.,3.She is busy _ (go) shopping.,4.My homework is never _(do).,5.He is a famous _ (act) and acted in a drama _ (call) Happy Family.,cooking,to eat,going,done,actor,called,Fill in the blanks:,No pains, no gains!,A young idler, an old beggar!,一分耕耘,一分收获!,少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲!,Thank you! Bye!,
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