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Unit 5 The children are playing noisily.,湘少版英语六年级上册,教学目标,1. 能够准确认读单词:bedroom, phone, loudly, noisily, living room 2. 能够掌握副词的构成方式,形容词和副词的区别和联系。,bedroom,phone,loudly,noisily,living room,quietly,living room loudly phone noisily evening quietly,1.Whats the weather like today?,2.Why cant Mrs Chen hear her friend on the phone clearly?,Whats the weather like today?,Its raining heavily.,Why cant Mrs Chen hear her friend on the phone clearly?,Because the children are playing noisily.,heavily clearly noisily loudly quietly,构成:形容词+ly=副词(方式),位置:通常位于被修饰的动词之后,作用:,rain heavily,play in the living room,Homework,Review the words about this lesson.,The end!,
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