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Unit 2,Saving the Earth,Topic 3,Would you like to be a greener person?,Section C,Teaching aims and demands,Learn new words: power, acid, nuclear, technology, electric, maglev, per, wheel, guide, steel, movement. 2. Go on learning some compound sentences: (1) In many countries, people produce power from coal, but it is very dirty and causes acid rain. (2) Although electric vehicles produce no pollution, there will be an increase in electricity needs if they are widely used. 3. Learn the advantages and disadvantages of some kinds of energy.,New words,1a Read and understand,1. Look up these words in a dictionary. Then understand the meanings further by reading the message.,power acid rain nuclear renewable electric efficient,2. Choose the right picture for each paragraph.,a,b,c,In many countries, people produce power from coal, but it is very dirty and causes acid rain. Some countries use nuclear energy to produce power. However, nuclear power can be very dangerous. To solve the energy problem, people all over the world are looking all the time for new ways to produce power.,_ China is one of the first countries in the world to use biogas technology. Farmers recycle straw, grass and animal waste to make biogas. This renewable energy is used in peoples everyday life.,_ Electronic vehicles were developed in the 1990s. Now there are electric vehicles in many countries. They are very efficient and cost very little to run. Although electric vehicles produce no pollution, there will be an increase in electricity needs if they are widely used.,_ In China, the best-known maglev train is the German-built one in Shanghai. It takes people 30 km to the airport in just 7 minutes and reaches a top speed of 431 km per hour. It is quiet and quick. There is no wheel noise, because there are no wheels. Maglev trains are very energy efficient and do not pollute the air. However, maglev guide paths are much more expensive than traditional steel railways.,1b Work alone,Read 1a again and fill out the following table.,2 Work alone,Read carefully and match each sentence with the right picture. Then think about what else can be used to produce electricity.,a. There are than 3 000 power stations in world that produce electricity by burning garbage to heat water.,b. People use the movement of waste to produce electricity.,c. Wind is used for producing electricity in many places.,d. People produce electricity from the sun.,( ),( ),( ),( ),3 Written work,What good habits can protect the environment? List as many as you can, the more you list, the greener you are.,Good Habits,Turn off he lights when you leave a room. _ _ _ ,turn off意为“关掉”,常指关自来水、电灯以及家用电器等,相当于switch off。turn off与turn on相对。如:,Explanation,Turn off he lights when you leave a room.,Would you please turn off the radio? 请把收音机关掉好吗?,turn on, turn off, turn up, turn down都与turn一词有关。turn on意思是“打开”,常指开灯、开家用电器;turn off意思是“关掉”,常指关自来水、电灯以及家用电器;turn up意思是“开大一点”、“调高(音量)”等;turn down意思是将收音机、电视机、广播等的声音、亮度等“关小”、“调低”。这一组词组中turn on与turn off相对应,turn down与turn up相对应。,Please turn on / off the radio. 请把收音机打开 / 关上。 The TV is too loud, please turn it down. 电视太吵了,请把它关小一点。,这些短语中的on, off, up, down均为副词。同时必须注意代词作它们的宾语时,其位置置于词组中间。如:,Exercises,1. We _ protect the environment. A. suppose B. supposed C. suppose to D. are supposed to 2. Dont forget to turn _ the TV when you leave the room. A. on B. down C. up D. off,选择填空。,D,D,3. Some people love pets, _ others hate them. as B. when C. while D. and 4. The Internet can be used for _ jobs. A. finding B. find C. to find D. found 5. These boxes are still new. Dont _. All right. A. throw away B. throw them away C. threw away D. throw it away,A,B,C,Homework,Turn to your parents and your friends and try to find some other kinds of materials that can produce electricity.,
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