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Unit 3 English Throughout the World,Welcome to the unit,Topic 1,English is used more and more widely around the world Section A,New words,cartoon 动画片 卡通 漫画 character 人物 角色 字体 品格 language 语言 throughout 遍及,在各处,贯穿 from now on 从今以后,从现在开始 garage 停车房,车库 be pleased with 满意,高兴,Teaching aims and demands,1. Learn some new words and useful expressions: (1)stick, be ready for, language, from now on, at last, be pleased with (2)I cant wait to fly there! Youll have a good chance to practice speaking English there. Try your best and work much harder from now on. 2. Help the students to learn the usage of passive voice: (1)Disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world. (2)English is spoken as the first language in America. (3)It is also widely used throughout the world now. 3. Talk about Disneyland, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.,1. When and where have you communicated with people in English ? 2. In which countries is English spoken as the first language?,Review,Review the present simple active voice. Review countries, nations and languages.,Tomorrow many cartoon characters from Disneyland such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Garfield and so on are coming to our school. They will give us a wonderful programs. What is your feeling now?,情景体验,sb. cant wait to do sth,I cant wait to see the cartoon characters.,Its a good chance to practice speaking English.,Points,任务:比一比,说一说 创设情景: 离上课还有2分钟的时候,突然传来一个好消息明天上午来自迪斯尼乐园的卡通人物要来我校参观表演。每个小组选派24位同学编一个简短而又最能体现 当时情景的对话。,Task 1,Presentation,Listen to 1a and answer the question: Which language is most widely used around the world?,1a Look,listen and say,3.It is also spoken as a second language in the world.,POINTS,1.Disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world.,2.English is widely spoken around the world now.,动 词,过去分词,prepared,planted,invited,liked,worn,made,shown,kept,sung,有规律,不规则变化,Computer Beijing Opera Trees The air The Great Wall,is are,enjoyed planted visited polluted used,by in,the garden most people big cities many foreigners offices,Work alone,Consolidation,Discuss the questions with your partner. 1. Do you like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck ? Why?,Complete the passage in 1b.,Find the key sentences of passive voice.,1. It is also spoken as a second language in many countries. 2. In which countries is English spoken as the first language? Complete the passage according to 1a.,Work alone,1. Mickey Mouse was made by Walt Disney. 2. Disney was only an artist.,Listen to the tape and mark each sentence for True and False.,3. One day, two mice came and played on the floor of the garage. 4. At last, he was pleased with one of his pictures of the mouse. He called it Mickey Mouse.,6人一小组,试着总结 出被动语态的结构, 最快、最好的获胜。,Task 2,trees plant students,Trees,by,are planted,students,Be +V过去分词+,by sb/sth,in/around(地点),Passive voice,Project,1. Sum up the differences between the active voice and the passive voice. 2. Discuss why the passive voice is used in groups and find where we can see it in our daily life and then list it out.,recorder use class,A recorder,is used,in,the class.,Football,is enjoyed,by,many people,football, enjoy, many people,The river is polluted by much rubbish.,The rice is grown in the south.,Mickey Mouse is liked by many children.,English is spoken by Americans,Flowers are planted in his garden.,TVs are made in the factory.,Dogs are kept at home.,任务:向大家介绍国内外的节日。 要求:1.用手中有关节日的调查表对节日进行调查了解。 注意:要用被动语态的一般疑问句形式来问? 2.综合小组讨论的结果,派一名代表上前来介绍你手中的节日。汇报时尽可能多地用被动语句。,Task 4,English is widely spoken around the world,Explanation,1. You can stick it on the wall in your room. 你可以把它粘在你房间的墙上。 stick v. 粘住 如: Please stick this map of China on the wall. 请把这张中国地图粘在墙上。 拓展stick n. 木棍(棒),枝条。 如: walking stick 手杖,拐杖,2. Disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world. 世界上许许多多的人都喜欢迪士尼乐园。(迪士尼乐园被世界上许许多多的人所喜欢),(1)is enjoyed表示“被喜欢”,是一般现在时的被动语态。被动语态表示主语是谓语动词的承受者,其结构为“助动词be及物动词的过去分词”。助动词be有人称、数和时态的变化,其变化规则与be作系动词时完全一样。一般现在时的被动语态由“助动词be (am, is are)及物动词的过去分词”组成。如: English is spoken by many people. 许多人讲英语。(英语被许多人讲。),(2)by在此表示“被(由)”,放在句子的后面,特别强调动作或行为的执行者。如: The pyramid is made by human beings. 人类建造了金字塔。(金字塔被人类建造。) 注意若不需特别强调动作或行为的执行者,可以不用by。如: She is often seen to go shopping. 人们常看到她去购物。,3. I hope I can go there one day. 我希望有一天能去那儿。,One day, he met an old friend. 一天,他遇见了一位老朋友。 some day只表示“将来有一天”。如: Ill see you again some day (或one day). 我改天再来看你。,4. I cant wait to fly there! 我迫不及待地想飞到那里了!,cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待地想做某事。如: I cant wait to see him. 我迫不及待地想见到他。,通过查阅资料收集不同国家的母语。 表演1a。 (2) 写一篇日记: 描述一天中发生的事情,尽量多地运用被动语态,不能少于10个含有被动语态的句子。,Homework,
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