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,Lesson 17 Who Will Buy It ?,Unit 3 Buying and Selling,Warming up What would you do if you had enough money?,Do you always carry money in your pocket?,What would you do if you found fifty yuan?,Why do people need money?,How do people make money?,money n. 金钱 pay v. 付款 pay for 为 付款 price n. 价格 advertising n. 广告 product n. 产品 ad n. (=advertisement),New words,Their basketball team has been invited to play in their city. Each player needs to pay $15. Brain will make cookies.,Listening task: True or False,Why do they need to make money? Because the trip costs a lot of money, and each player needs to pay $50. Whats Jennys idea? She wants to sell something to her classmates during lunch time. Whats Danny going to do? Hes going to invent a new product.,Reading task: answer the questions,1. Why do Jenny, Danny and Brain need money? Because they have been invited to play in another city. 2. How will they make money? Sell something that their classmates want to buy during lunch hour. 3. What will be the price of the cookies? Four for a dollar.,Read and answer.,Language notes:,1.我们的篮球队已经被邀请去另一个城市打球。 Our basketball team has been invited to play in another city! 2.我们需要为这个队伍赚点钱。 We need to make some money for the team! 3.你的价格是多少呢? What is the price of your cookies? 4.一美元四个 Four for a dollar. 5.我们需要一些广告。 We need some advertising.,1. Our basketball team has been invited to play in another city. Q1. 此句是什么时态?什么语态? 现在完成时的被动语态。 Q2. 此时态是怎样构成的? have /has been +过去分词 我们已经被要求下调 (bring down) 价格。 We have been asked to bring down the price. 那个重要的问题我们已经讨论了两个星期了。 The important problem has been discussed for two weeks.,2.We need to make some money for the team!,need 即可以作为 也可以作为 , 当need作为情态动词时与can, may, must 的用法基本相同; 当need作为实意动词的时候,后面常跟名词,代词,动词不定式,动名词。,Q1. Do you still remember how to use need?,情态动词,实意动词,你需要帮助吗?,Do you need any help?,你需要好好照顾那只小狗。,You need to take good care of the little dog.,那扇门需要刷油漆了。,The door needs to be painted.,我们的教室需要打扫了。,Our classroom needs cleaning.= Our classroom needs to be cleaned.,= The door needs painting.,make money 与 earn money 都表示“赚钱,挣钱”的含义,只是前者用于口语中,后者用于正式的语体中。,为而赚钱。 make money for sth.,他需要为他的学费 (tuition)而赚钱。 He needs to make money for his tuition.,earn money by doing sth. 靠方式赚钱。,他靠画画赚了很多钱。 He earned a lot of money by painting.,迈克靠打球赚了很多钱。 Michael earned a lot of money by playing basketball.,What will be your price?,用来询问某物的价钱的时候,我们还可以用:,How much.? What is the price of?,What is the price of that car? = How much is that car?,那辆车多少钱?,Four for a dollar.,“商品数+for+钱数”是商品价格的一种表达方式,有时候也会用“钱数+for+商品数”.,How much are these CDs? 五十元三张。 Fifty yuan for three. Whats the price of this fridge? 一台1000元。 One for one thousand yuan.,How much money would people pay for your product?,pay for 为付钱。 我们需要为这餐饭付钱。 We need to pay for the meal.,pay sb. back sth. 偿还给某人某物。 明天我就会把那些书还给你. I will pay you back these books tomorrow.,pay off 全部还清 他们还清了他们的债务 (debt )。 They paid off all their debts.,Exercises:,1.I should pay 20 yuan _ the book. A. on B. for C. at D. to 2.Some people spend their lives_ about money. A. to think B. think C. thinking D. on thinking 3.They wrote advertising _their products. A. of B. to C. for D. with 4.The little dog needs _ a shower. A. to take B. taking C. takes D. take,B,C,C,B,1.我们的篮球队被邀请到另一个城市去比赛。 Our basketball team has been _to play in _ city. 2.这件毛衣的价格是多少? of this sweater? 3.他努力工作为了多挣些钱。 He worked hard to _ _ _.,invited,another,Whats the price,make more money,Thank you!,
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