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Period 1: Section A 1aGrammar Focus,Dont fight.,不准打架。,What are the rules at your school?,Dont arrive late for class.,不准上课迟到。,Dont be late for class.,Dont listen to music in the classrooms.,Dont run in the hallways.,Dont eat in the classrooms.,Dont wear a hat in school.,Dont talk in class.,Dont talk with each other in class.,Stop talking in class.,Please keep quiet in the library.,Dont speak loudly in the library.,Dont have long hair for boys.,男生不准留长发。,Dont smoke. (No smoking!),不准吸烟。 / 禁止吸烟!,We have to wear a uniform at school.,We have to clean the classroom every day.,What else do you have to do ?,1. Dont forget to turn off the light when you leave. 2. Dont draw on the wall. 3. Dont watch TV after school. 4. Dont play football in the street. 5. You must get up early. ,We cant rule the country without rules. 没有规章制度就不能治理好国家。,keep rules break rules school rules class rules family rules library rules dining rules,遵守规则 违反规则 校规 班规 家规 图书馆规则 就餐规则,1,3,4,5,1. Dont arrive late for class. 2. Dont run in the hallways. 3. Dont eat in the classrooms. 4. Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways. 5. Dont fight.,1a Write the number of the rule next to the student.,Peter _ Selina _ Nick _,1b Listen. What rules are these students breaking? Write the numbers after the names.,2,3,4,1c PAIRWORK,A: What are the rules? B: Well, we cant arrive late for class.,A: Can we listen to music, Cindy? B: We cant listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside.,2c PAIRWORK,Practice,Can we ? Yes ,we can . No, we cant.,eat in class listen to music outside wear hats in school fight in class speak loudly in the library,A: What does he have to do? B: He has to wear sports shoes for gym class.,I m new here,You know, some students are not bad students. But they also break the rules. Because they are new students, they dont know much about the rules. So can you help them out? Now please tell them the rules of your school. You can work with your partner. Suppose your partner is a new student. A: What are the rules at your school? B: Well, dont arrive late for school. A: Can we listen to music in the classrooms, Alex? B: No, we cant listen to music in the classrooms, but we can listen to it outside.,1. 祈使句 祈使句是表示请求、命令、叮嘱、号召、 劝告等的句子,通常省略主语you; 句中谓语 动词用动词原形; 句尾一般用降调。祈使句有 肯定和否定两种。肯定的祈使句: Look out! 小心! Wait here for me! 在这等我!,Grammar Focus,Come in, please! 请进! Sit down, please. 请坐。 Lets go home. 我们回家吧。 否定的祈使句是在动词前(即句首)加Dont. Dont talk in class! 不要在课堂上讲话! Dont open the window! 别开窗! Dont be late for school! 上学别迟到 ! Dont smoking! 别吸烟!,2. 情态动词have to 的用法,have to意思是“必须,不得不”,侧重于客观 上的必要和外界的权威。 1) 结构: 主语have to动词原形其他 (一般现在时, 主语是第三人称单数时, 用has to; 句子是过去时, 用had to。) 如:,We have to wear sneakers for gym class. 在体育课上, 我们必须穿运动鞋。 Tom has to practice the guitar every day. 汤姆每天必须练习弹吉他。 I had to get up at 5:00 am last Monday. 上周一, 我不得不早上5点起床。,2) 否定形式: 主语dont have to动词原形 其他(一般现在时, 主语是第三人称单数时, 用doesnt have to; 句子是过去时, 用 Didnt have to。) Nick doesnt have to wear a uniform. 尼克不必穿制服。 We didnt have to do our homework at once. 我们不必马上完成作业。,3) 疑问句: Do(Does或Did)主语 have to 动词原形其他 如: Do you have to stay at home on weekends? 周末你必须待在家里吗? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 是的,我必须。/ 不, 我不必。 Did he have to go to bed by 11:00 last night? 昨晚,他不得不11点前上床睡觉吗?,1) 表示能力, “会,能”。 Can you play the guitar? 你会弹吉他吗? Judy can speak a little Chinese. 朱蒂会说一点中文。 I can dance and sing. 我能唱歌、跳舞。,3. 情态动词can的用法,2) 表示允许、许可, “可以,能” 。 Can the students run in the hallways? 学生可以在走廊上跑吗? We can eat outside. 我们可以在外面吃东西。 Can I come in? 我能进来吗?,注意: 同样是情态动词, can和have to的用法 是有区别的,和大部分情态动词一样,can在 否定句中, 直接在can后加上not;在疑问句 中,把can放到主语前面,并且没有人称和数 的变化。,Language Points,1. What are the rules? 规则是什么? Well, we cant arrive late for class. 哦, 我们上课不能迟到。 1) rule“规则”, 可数名词, 构成的短语有: obey the rules 遵守规章 be against the rules break the rules,违反规章,school rules 校规 = the rules of the school class rules 班规 = the rules of the class rule还可用作动词,意为“统治,支配”。 The king ruled the country 500 years ago. 500年前, 国王统治着这个国家。,2. arrive “到达”, arrive是一个不及物动词, 不能直接跟表示地点的名词。如果要跟名词, 就必须加介词in或at。在大地方前加in,在小 地方前加at。 arrive in / at + 地点 get to +地点 reach +地点 (到达某地 ),When did you arrive in Shanghai? 你什么时候到的上海? When we arrive at the school, it was 7:50. 当我们到达那所学校时,已经 7:50了。 如果 arrive后不接名词,就不用介词: After you arrive (here/there), please call me. 你到了(这里/那里)后给我打个电话。,3. late 迟, 晚 (形容词或副词) Why are you late? 你为什么迟到? Sorry, I come late. 对不起, 我来晚了。 be late forn. Dont be late for work/class/meeting. 上班/上课/开会别迟到。,4. hear, listen和sound都有“听”的意思, 但三者是有区别的。 1) hear “听”, 侧重于 “听”的内容。如: Im sorry to hear that you are ill. 听说你生病了,我很难过。 I never heard such an interesting story. 我从来没听过这么有趣的一个故事。,2) listen“听”,侧重于“听”的动作。如: Listen to me carefully. 认真听我说。 The children like to listen to music. 孩子们喜欢听音乐。 3) sound“听起来”,是系动词, 后面接形容 词等。如: That sounds great. 听起来真不错。 It sounds like fun. 听起来挺有趣。,5. out, outside out一般只用作副词,意为“出去,在外面”, 反义词是in,单独使用时,不能接宾语; 若与一些动词连用 才可接宾语。如: Please take out your boo
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