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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件,外研版全国通用,必修3,Module 2 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China,词汇点击,1. equal adj. (大小、数量、程度)相等的;胜任的;平等的,Choose two stones of roughly equal weight and size. 选两块重量和尺寸大体相当的石头。,be equal to (doing) sth. 等于;能胜任 be equal with 与平等 equal pay for equal work 同工同酬 without (an) equal 无人可比的,词汇点击,1. equal adj. (大小、数量、程度)相等的;胜任的;平等的,The task took quick thinking, but John was equal to it. 这项工作需要思维敏捷,但约翰可以胜任。,词汇点击,1. equal adj. (大小、数量、程度)相等的;胜任的;平等的,equally adv. 同样地;平等地 equality n. 平等;同等;等式 racial equality 种族平等,知识拓展,He was shocked by the lack of equality and fairness. 他对缺乏平等和正义而感到震惊。,2. order n. 顺序;秩序;命令;订购 vt. 命令;指令;订购;安排,They couldnt order more grain from America because of the economic crisis. 由于经济危机,他们不能从美国订购更多的谷物了。,词汇点击,2. order n. 顺序;秩序;命令;订购 vt. 命令;指令;订购;安排,词汇点击,in order of 以的顺序 out of order 不整齐 in order 情况良好;整齐 keep order 维持秩序 in order to / that 为了 take / give orders 接受/下达命令 order sb.to do sth. 命令某人做某事 order that从句(从句用虚拟语气) 命令,2. order n. 顺序;秩序;命令;订购 vt. 命令;指令;订购;安排,词汇点击,完成句子,Some teachers find it difficult to _ in their classes. 有些老师觉得课堂秩序很难维持。 He hurried through his work _ he could catch the train. 为了能够赶上火车,他匆忙做完工作。,keep order,in order that,词汇点击,3. stress vt. 着重,强调,重读 n. 压力,重压; 强调;重音,lay / place / put stress on 把重点放在上,在上用力 under the stress of 为所迫 cause / reduce stress 造成/减少压力 stress sth. 强调某事,词汇点击,3. stress vt. 着重,强调,重读 n. 压力,重压; 强调;重音,In the word “mother”, the stress is on the first syllable. 在“mother”这个词中,重音在第一个音节上。 The new president laid particular stress on the need for discipline. 新上任的老总特别强调纪律的重要性。,词汇点击,3. stress vt. 着重,强调,重读 n. 压力,重压; 强调;重音,The little boy stole bread _ hunger and was beaten black and blue. 为生活所迫,小男孩偷了一些面包而被打得青一块紫一块。,完成句子,under the stress of,词汇点击,3. stress vt. 着重,强调,重读 n. 压力,重压; 强调;重音,He is _ because of his new job. 新工作使他感到沉重的压力。 I _ that what he said is very important. 我必须要强调的是他说的话非常重要。,完成句子,under great stress,must stress,They decided to resign from the committee together. 他们决定集体辞掉委员职务。,词汇点击,4. resign vi. 辞职 n. 辞去(职务),知识拓展,resign (from) sth. 辞去/放弃某职位 resign from office 辞职 resign ones post / position 辞职,resignation n. 辞呈,词汇点击,4. resign vi. 辞职 n. 辞去(职务),完成句子,The official was forced to _ after allegations of corruption. 在涉嫌贪污后,那位官员被迫辞职。 The Minister _ yesterday. 这位部长昨天辞职了。,resign his post,resigned from office,词汇点击,5. condition n. 情况,状况,条件,living / housing / working conditions 生活/居住/工作条件 on no condition 无论如何都不 in good / bad / poor / perfect condition 在好/坏/差/完美的情况下 on condition that 只要,在的情况下 out of condition 健康不佳;情况不好 under the conditions of 在的情况下,词汇点击,5. condition n. 情况,状况,条件,She is in no condition to travel. 她不宜去旅行。 You can go swimming on condition that you dont go too far from the river bank. 在不远离河岸的前提下你才能去游泳。,注意:condition在表示“(居住、工作或做某事情的)环境,境况,条件”时,多用复数形式, working / living conditions 工作/生活条件。,词汇点击,5. condition n. 情况,状况,条件,单项填空 He might pardon you on the very _ that you pay him a visit. A. occasion B. condition C. chance D. contribution,【解析】 B on condition that 引导条件状语从句,意为“如果”。,词汇点击,5. condition n. 情况,状况,条件,单项填空 School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous _. A. states B. conditions C. situations D. positions,【解析】 C 句意:学校一定要教给学生怎么处理危险的情况。A.指物体的三态而言,包括心情和身体状况;B.多指客观条件;C.指的是情形、境遇,即一个人所处的环境;D.多指位置条件、职位之类的意思。,词汇点击,5. condition n. 情况,状况,条件,单项填空 She is in a poor _ of health, which worries her mother a lot.(2010天津南开中学模拟) A. position B. situation C. state D. condition,【解析】 C 句意:她健康状况不是很好,这让她母亲很担心。state常与a连用,in a good / poor state 某人的健康状态好/坏。,The old man has brought up three orphans. 这位老人抚养了3个孤儿。 His new suggestion was brought up at the meeting. 他的新议案在会议上被提了出来。,短语精释,1. bring up 抚养;提出;呕吐,短语精释,1. bring up 抚养;提出;呕吐,知识拓展,bring about 引起,导致;实现 bring back 送还,带回;使想起,使恢复 bring down 降低(温度、价格、费用等);使倒下;推翻 bring in 获利,(使)得到(收入);介绍,引进 bring out 出版;显现出 bring on 引出;带来;导致,短语精释,1. bring up 抚养;提出;呕吐,知识拓展,A week by the sea brought her back to health. 她在海边呆了一周后恢复了健康。 The scandal may bring down the government. 这一丑闻有可能让政府垮台。,短语精释,1. bring up 抚养;提出;呕吐,完成句子,The sale of the house only _ about $45,000. 房子只卖了大约45,000美元。 Her parents died when she was a baby and she _ by her aunt. 她出生不久父母双亡,她是由姑母抚养大的。,brought in,was brought up,短语精释,1. bring up 抚养;提出;呕吐,完成句子,Why didnt you _ this problem _ at the meeting? 你为何不在会上提出这个问题呢?,【答案】 bring; up,短语精释,1. bring up 抚养;提出;呕吐,完成句子,The Internet has brought _ big changes in the way we work. A. about B. out C. back D. up,【解析】 A bring about 导致。句意:因特网导致了我们工作方式的巨大变化。,短语精释,1. bring up 抚养;提出;呕吐,完成句子,These photos brought _ many pleasant memories. A. out B. up C. back D. in,【解析】 C “使记起”用bring back。,短语精释,2. a sense of responsibility 责任感,Anyone with a sense of responsibility wouldnt leave the robbery alone. 任何一个有责任感的人都不会对抢劫置之不理的。,知识拓展,a sense of shame 羞耻心 a sense of direction 方向感 a sense of hunger 饥饿感 a sense of hu
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