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Period ,Writing,原句 1 Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.( 教材 P26) 我不仅对摄影 感兴趣,而且在大学期间还参加了一个业余课程来提升我的技 能。,点评,这个长句是由两个简单句合并而成: I am interested in photography.,I took an amateur course at university to update my skills. 合并:由于句和句之间有“不仅而且”的递 进关系,可以用“not only.but also”将两个句子连接起来。同时, not 为否定词,放在句首时所引导的句子要部分倒装。,仿写,不仅有 500 个学生参加了这次活动,许多老师也对它表,现出了极大的兴趣。,(提示:参加 take part in; 对表现出极大兴趣 show great,interest in),_ _ 我们不仅应该要认真学习,也要锻炼身体,保持身体健,康。,_ _,Not only did 500 students take part in this activity, but also many teachers showed great interest in it.,Not only should we study hard, but also we should do exercise to keep fit.,原句 2,Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending,on what the person says.(教材 P26)同时,你还要根据被采访人所 说的话来准备提出下一个问题。,点评,这个长句是由两个句子合并而成:,Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question.,The next question should depend on what the person says. 合并:由于句中的主语 the next question 又是句的宾语, 可以用非谓语动词将这两句合并。The next question 为动词 depend 的逻辑主语,非谓语动词与逻辑主语之间为主动关系, 因此可使用现在分词 depending。另外,句中包含一个由 what 引导的宾语从句。,仿写,给我留下深刻印象的人是勤奋的、乐观的。,(提示:给留下深刻印象 leave a deep impression on sb.),_ _,我认识那对总是为他们儿子所做的事吵架的夫妇。 (提示:与因吵架 quarrel with sb.about sth.),_ _,People leaving a deep impression on me are hard working and optimistic.,I know the couple often quarrelling with each other about what their son has done.,原句 3,Have you ever had a case where someone accused your,journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?( 教材 P26) 你们 有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道 完全失实? 点评,这个长句是由两个简单句合并而成: Have you ever had a case?,Someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end,of the stick?,合并:将句的宾语 case 作为先行词,表示“的情,况”,用 where 引导一个定语从句。,仿写,我们总是遇到这种情况:不能集中精力于所做的事情。,_ _ 许多人会有这样的情况:他们尽了全力,但还是不能满,足父母的要求。,(提示:满足某人的要求 satisfy ones demands),_ _,We often meet a case where we can not concentrate ourselves on what we are doing.,Many people have the case where they try their best but can not satisfy their parents demands.,新闻报道 本单元出现的相关词汇: journalist (n. 记 者 ; 新 闻 工 作 者 ), editor (n. 编 辑 ),photographer (n. 摄 影 师 ), interview (n. 会 见 ; 面 谈,vt. 采 访 ),admirable (adj.值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的), submit (vt.递交;呈递), professional (adj.专业的;职业的), eager (adj.渴望的;热切的), curious (adj.好奇的), inform sb. of sth. (通知某人某事), keep sth.,in mind (将记在心里), meanwhile (adv.其间;同时), depend,on,(依靠;依赖), case (n.情况;案例), so as to (为了), tell,the truth ( 讲真话), accuse.of. ( 指控某人某事), demand (n. 需,求;要求,vt.要求), stop sb.doing sth. (阻止某人做某事), publish,(vt.出版;发行;发表;发布), edition (n.版本;版次), ahead of (在前面), accurate (adj.精确的;正确的), senior (adj.年长的; 高级的), polish (vt.润色), chief (adj.主要的;首席的), approve (vt.,n过程;程序;,赞成;认可;批准), process (vt.加工;处理 步骤),本单元出现的相关句式:,1.a journalist for China Daily.是中国日报的记者。 2.was to strongly influence his life as a journalist.将很,大地影响了他的记者生涯。,3Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. 只有当你提许多不同的问 题,你才能获得你想要的所有信息。,4Im looking forward to my first assignment now.我现在很,期待我的第一个任务。,5 We need it in this edition to be ahead of the other newspapers.我们需要抢在其他报纸的前面在这一版刊登它。,新闻报道是应用文的一种,主要是用平实、客观的语言,来记叙某个新闻事件,在基础写作中比较常见。,In order to help teenagers learn more and appreciate poetry, a poetry contest was held in the No. 1 High School last Sunday.200 senior students from different high schools all over the city gathered together, reciting their works and exchanging thoughts.Many competitors said that they were getting close to poems through this competition.It was also said that poetry could help them release pressure and grow up happily.The headmaster encouraged us to think like a poet, that is, be sensitive and sincere towards the world.,结构分析:,全文共五句话,第一句开门见山地介绍了活动的情况:时 间、地点、目的和内容,第二句包含了参与人数和比赛详情, 第三句和第四句都是陈述比赛者的感受,最后一句则表达了主 办方的期望。,亮点点评:,1. 很好地运用了伴随状语 (reciting their works and,exchanging thoughts)将要点整合。,2.在描述比赛者的感受时,恰当地使用了两个不同的句 型:“Many competitors said that.” (陈述句,主动语态)和“It was also said that.” (形式主语,被动语态),使句式多样。,1. 新 闻 报 道 的 第 一 句 往 往 是 全 文 的 中 心 句 (topic sentence),因此这个句子中常包含四大元素:what (事件), when (时间), where (地点)和 who (人物),而在下文则要补充事件的过 程和细节,往往包括 why (目的或原因)和 how (具体过程)等。 2. 学 生 应 熟 记 新 闻 报 道 类 的 一 些 常 用 结 构 , 如 “It is reported that./As is reported./According to the report.”等。 3.新闻报道的关键在于语言客观平实,所以学生不必追求,过分花哨的词汇和过于复杂的句型。,4.时态常用过去时和将来时。,必背词汇,activity (n.活动), hold (v.举行), in order to ( 为了),according to (根据),
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