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Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modern hero,词汇过关,短语习得,重点句型,目标解读,1.重点单词拼写,词汇过关,1) We should pay more attention to the q as well as the quantity.,【答案】quality,2) He is always w to help anyone who is in t .,【答案】willing, trouble,3) Whatever difficulty you meet, I hope you will never lose h .,【答案】heart,4) Everything needs to be done according to a certain (原则,原理),【答案】principle,5) People in Iraq are dreaming of living a p life, that is they hope to live in p .,【答案】peaceful, peace,词汇过关,6) The thief was caught and was s in p for 3 years.,【答案】sentenced, prison,7) During the p when I was in my university, I studied l myself and became a l after graduation.,【答案】period, law, lawyer,8) The final examination is coming. Our teacher a us to go over our lessons carefully.,【答案】advises,9) If it c to rain for some days, the crops would be destroyed.,【答案】continued,10) If he gets that (职位),I think he can do it well.,【答案】position,词汇过关,11) He received a sum of money, but he didnt want to a it.,【答案】accept,12) They dont want to solve the problem with v . Instead, they hope to solve it in a peaceful way.,【答案】violence,13) In some countries, especially in some poor countries, women are not really e to men.,【答案】equal,14) If you feel cold while sleeping, you can add a b on your quilt.,【答案】blanket,15) As a well-e person, its hard for us to imagine that she treat the boy with such (残忍).,词汇过关,1) The pupils got to know that Liu Hulan was a and died and they were moved by her deeds. (hero),【答案】heroine; heroicly; heroic,2) They were so that they cut the man into pieces . We all felt sure that they would be punished by their . (cruel),【答案】cruel; cruelly; cruelty,3) He is really a man with many , but do you think you are enough to do the work? (quality),【答案】qualities; qualified,【答案】educated, cruelty,2. 重点词词形变换,词汇过关,5) pay for work. Thats our rule. If we cant treat every client , we will break the in our company. (equal),【答案】Equal; equal; equally; equality,6) We all enjoy the of the countryside, for we can live with the nature and live a life there. (peace),【答案】peace; peacefully; peaceful,7) You are not allowed to commit any , or you will become a and be sentenced to prison for the act. (crime),【答案】crime; criminal; crime,4) Let him do what he . He is not to do that if it is against his . (will),【答案】will; willing; will,词汇过关,9) If this proposal is to you, you must it. In this way the proposal will meet with general . (accept),【答案】acceptable; accept; acceptance,10) She is always having the of snakes. She finds it to come across a snake, which will her very much. (terror),【答案】terror; terrible; terrify,8) The big waves beat the coast . The wind blew with great , which caused a storm. (violence),【答案】violently; violence; violent,短语习得,put.into prison 把投进监狱 in fact, as a matter of fact 事实上 fight against 与作斗争 come to power 上台执政 break the law 违反法律 without pay 没有报酬 lose heart 灰心;泄气 be active in 积极参加;活跃 be willing to do something 愿意做某事 be out of work 失业 be stopped from doing something 被阻止做某事 answer violence with violence 以暴制暴 be in good health 健康良好,1.短语积累,短语习得,blow up 发脾气;爆炸 ask for 索取 be in trouble 处于麻烦中 die for 为而死 advise somebody to do something 建议某人干某事 in reward for 作为的回报 set up 建立 be sentenced to 被判处 worry about 为担心 be free from 免去之苦,2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中,1) Whatever great difficulty we meet, well never .,【答案】lose heart,2) If you cant finish the work on time, youll be .,【答案】in trouble,3) Your parents are you: do make a phone call to them.,【答案】worrying about,4) She has been for a year and is looking forward to being in work again.,【答案】out of work,5) People expect to pollution and live in a pleasant environment.,【答案】be free from,短语习得,6) I thought you wouldnt mind. Well, I dont; but you should have asked me first.,【答案】as a matter of fact,7) Several people were killed and many were hurt when a bomb at the busy street.,【答案】blew up,8) As soon as he arrived in Paris, he for the wrongs his family had done.,【答案】was put in prison,9) As a Jew, Einstein was forced to leave his homeland after Hitler .,【答案】came to power,10) The government has a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse.,【答案】set up,短语习得,11) He death because of killing someone on purpose.,12) The women workers should the men in pay since they do the same work.,【答案】be equal to,短语习得,【答案】was sentenced to,重点句型,1. The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress. (P34) 拟人用法:时间、地点 + see/eyewitness + 事件。 1949 eyewitnessed the foundation of the Peoples Republic of China.,即时强化练习: 翻译下列句子: 1) 我们学校是1993年成立的。
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