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Unit 8 How was your school trip?,Section A 1a-1c,Lets know each other!,Hi,互相了解,aquarium,水族馆,an,at,What animals can we see at the aquarium?,shark,seal,turtle,starfish,octopus,dolphin,Guess 猜一猜,What did I see at the aquarium?,Ask me:,Were there any at the aquarium?,Yes, there were.,seals,A: Were there anyat the aquarium?,B: No, there werent.,A: Were there any at the aquarium? B: ,dolphins,A: Were there anyat the aquarium?,B: ,sharks,Pairwork make a short conversation,A: Were there anyat the aquarium? B: Yes, there were. Were there any? A: No, there werent.,What else did I do at the aquarium?,let me tell you more about my last school trip.,I _some seals and sharks.,At first,saw,see-saw,So, I _lots of photos.,took,take-took,I _ a hamburger,I _ some ice cream,ate,had,It was hot there.,Then,I felt hungry.,eat-ate,have-had,so ,I _with my friends.,After that, it was still early,hung out,hang out 闲逛,At last, I _a souvenir in a,gift shop.,纪念品,bought,buy-bought,Retell my school trip!,复述,at first it was hot then,felt hungry after that at last,Finish my diary,On my last school trip, I _to an_. In the aquarium, I _ some seals and sharks. I _ lots of photos. It was very hot there, so I _some ice cream. After visiting the aquarium, I felt hungry. So I _a hamburger. It was still early, so I _with my friends, and I _a souvenir in a gift shop. What a happy day!,went,aquarium,saw,took,ate,had,hung out,bought,What did Tina do on her school trip?,What did Tina do on her school trip? Listen and circle the expressions in the box.,1,went to the aquarium 2,took photos 3,went to the zoo 4,had a hamburger 5,ate some ice cream 6,hung out with her friends 7,saw some seals 8,bought a souvenir 9,saw some sharks,1b,Tinas last school trip.,1,went to the aquarium 2,took photos 3,went to the zoo 4,had a hamburger 5,ate some ice cream 6,hung out with her friends 7,saw some seals 8,bought a souvenir 9,saw some sharks,A: Did you go to the zoo?,B: No, I didnt.,A: Did you go to the aquarium?,B: Yes, I did.,Pairwork,What about your last school trip? Lets do a survey!,Groupwork: Make a survey! What did you do on your last school trip?,Report: In my group, Lisa played computer games. Tom went to the zoo, he bought a souvenir. Lucy , she xxx.And I We all had a great school trip!,Tom went to the zoo Lucy visited shanghai EXPO Xxx I ,Name,Activity,Summary,New phrases went to the aquarium took photos hung out with friends saw some seals bought a souvenir ate some ice cream Question structures Did you ? Yes, I did. No, I didnt. Did she/he ? Yes, she/he did. No, she/he didnt. Were/was there any? Yes, there were/was. No, there werent/wasnt.,Homework,Write a diary about your last school trip.,Thank you !,
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