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专项训练(四)1Some western countries insist that China is one of the worlds biggest greenhouse gas emitters (温室气体排放者). But in fact our government has taken actions actively to struggle with climate change. Firstly, the public are educated to pay more attention to the environment. As the government experts, the people have reached a very high level of knowing low-carbon economy (低碳经济).If you watch TV, listen to the radio or read newspapers, youll find low-carbon lifestyle become a fashion. Secondly, developing renewable energy is another action. The government is building many wind farms and solar power stations in the deserts. Of course, within a long time, China will continue using the coal. At the same time, the government has been making laws to punish those people who dare to destroy the environment. Besides, some scientists have suggested that greening the deserts is more important than developing new forms of energy. Their latest research shows that 80% of CO2 in the atmosphere comes from land use.As we know, China hasnt achieved a balance between the green lifestyle and the economic growth, but we are on the way. Well take more actions to reduce the greenhouse gas emission.China is on the 1_ to reduce the greenhouse gas emissionOur actionsOur hopes2_ the publicThe people know low-carbon economy more.Building many wind farms and solar power stations.Developing 3_ energy.Making laws.Punish those people who dare to 4_ the environment.Greening the 5_.Reduce the CO2 from land use2American summers are filled with outdoor picnics, baseball games and swimming pools. Summer in America is a time to enjoy the outdoors, no matter how hot it might be. Lets take a look at some of the popular drinks. Lemonade is the commonest of all American summer drinks. It is made by mixing lemon juice, water and sugar. It is usually served very cold, with ice. Ice tea is another popular summer drink in America. Ice tea is usually served in tall glass of ice. Many Americans choose to add sugar to sweeten the drink. This drink is often drunk in the afternoon while relaxing in the shade. Ice tea is now also sold by the bottle, at almost any store in America. The Slurpee, a famous American drink in recent years, is a great way to cool of in the summer heat. It is a mix of ice, sugar and fruit juices. However, the drink is mostly made of ice. They can be bought at most small convenient stores. Slurpees are popular with young Americans. Milkshakes have a long history in America. It is made of a mix of cream, milk and flavoring.Popular drinks in summer 1_.LemonadeCommoner than the 2_, made by mixing lemon juice, water and sugarIce teaServed in glasses or bottles. Add sugar to make the drink 3_.The SlurpeeA mix of ice, sugar and fruit juices, more popular 4_young AmericansMilkshakesA mix of ice cream, milk and flavoring.All the drinks are often served with 5_3More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe thats why there are 1, 4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads worldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil cost!Get on a bicycle and ride around your neigh-bourhood. You may discover something new all around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can bike to work and benefit(受益)from the enjoyable exercise without polluting the environment. You dont even have to ride all the way.Folding(折叠)bikes work well for people who ride the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on an airplane. You can also take a common bike with you when you fly. But be sure to look for information by getting on airline websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travelers.Health Benefits of Bicycling:It helps to prevent heart diseases. Bicycling helps to control your weight. A 15-minutes bike ride to and from work three times a week burns off five kilos of fat in a year. Bicycling can improve your mood(心情).Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and self-confident.Bicycling is cheap, fun, healthy and good for the environment.CheapYou neednt 1_ for the oil when you ride a bike.FunBicycling is more 2 _ for you to discover something new all around you.HealthyBicycling helps to prevent heart diseases and control your 3_.Its good for the environmentThere is no oil, so there is no 4 _.Suggestion: try to ride your bike as much as 5 _.4 In the coming summer holidays, you will probably visit the Shanghai Expo. Before you head off for the Expo, please read the following tips so that you behave properly and show off Chinas best face to visitors from other countries.When waiting in a line.Wait patiently instead of cutting to the front of the line. If yo
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