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来源:学#科#网Lingling:Hi, Tony. You _ _.Tony:来源:学&科&网Yes. Im _ with BIG, the Beijing International Globetrotters, for the Schools Basketball Competition. Its the _ _ next week.Betty:Whos it _?Daming:HAS.Lingling:What _ HAS _ _?Tony:Haidian All Stars.Betty:Oh, yes. You _ _ last time.Lingling:What was the _?Betty:All Stars 98 points _ Globetrotters 52. So when _ the match _ _?Daming:Next Saturday. Are you _?Betty:Yes. Its going to be a _ match. Im going to _ _ _ for New Standard.Lingling:I _. Are you in the team, Daming?Daming:No, I _ _ this time. _ are you smiling, Betty?Betty:Well, Ive _ HAS play _ times this _, and theyre _! And _ you want my _ .Tony:No, I dont .Betty:. youve _ no _! What do you _, Lingling?Lingling:I think youre _, Betty.Daming:Well, you _ _ _ to watch with our fans if thats _ you think!Betty:Its _, Daming.Tony:Well, I dont _. Were playing _ well this _. I think were _ good _ well be _ to play in the Olympic Games.Daming:来源:Zxxk.ComDont _ them _ _ you, Tony! (They leave)Lingling:Hee hee! _ work, Betty!Betty:来源:学科网Of course. Theyre so mad with us that theyll try harder to win, just to show were wrong!
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