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7A“一词多义”现象汇总(期末复习归纳之十,终结篇)The shoes fit me very well. (动词,“(指大小)合身”,后面跟人或人的部位)You are not fit at all.(形容词,“健康的”。注意:前面一定要加be或keep等系动词)I seldom eat sweet snacks like cakes, sweets or drink Coke. (介词,表示“像”,单词本身无任何形式上的变化,不能加s。常用词组:look like =be like看起来像)Which do you like, cakes or sweets? (动词,表示“喜欢”,可加s。如:He likes apples.)I never do any exercise. (不可数名词,表示“锻炼”。)You never exercise. / You need to exercise more and watch less TV. (动词,表示“锻炼”。如果主语为第三人称单数,时态为一般现在时,后面可加s。)Ill dress up as Monkey King. (动词,dress up表示“装扮,打扮”,单独使用表示“给某人穿衣,后面跟人,不跟衣服。如:Mum is dressing her son.)This is my dress. (名词,表示“连衣裙,;礼服”)Which is your favourite festival? (形容词,表示“最喜欢的”。)Do you like carrots? They are my favourite. (名词,表示“最喜欢的东西”。)We have hot drinks and eat lots of nice, hot food. (可数名词,表示“饮料”。)I drink some milk for breakfast. (动词,表示“喝”。)I must buy some Christmas presents. (名词,表示“礼物”。)Are you studying at present? (名词,表示“现在”。)Im waiting for my turn. (名词,表示“顺序,轮流”。)May I turn on the lights? (动词,表示“打开”)The shirt is light blue. (形容词,表示“浅色的”。)They must be light and comfortable. (形容词,表示“轻的”。)May I turn on the lights? (名词,表示“电灯”。)I seldom eat sweet snacks like cakes, sweets or drink Coke. ( 名词,表示“糖果”。)The mooncakes are very sweet.(形容词,表示“甜的”。)I always take Eddie for a walk in the evening. (名词,表示“散步”。)I walk Eddie every day. (动词,表示“遛(狗)。)做题不能“想当然”十道易错题解析(期末复习归纳之九)“想当然”之一:Do morning exercises is good for us.很多同学根据汉语习惯写出了这样的句子。动词原形不能作句子的主语,必须改为动名词,即在动词后加ing。需要提醒的是,动名词作主语,谓语动词一律用单数。正确:Doing morning exercises is good for us.“想当然”之二:There are a lot of money in them. 有些同学看到a lot of(许多)谓语动词马上就用了复数形式,其实,a lot of, lots of, some, any这些词既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词,到底用单数还是复数形式,完全取决于后面的名词。正确:There is a lot of money in them.“想当然”之三:This pair of shoes are made of leather.pair of 作句子主语,谓语动词取决于pair的形式,跟后面的名词无关,pair为单数,谓语就用单数形式,pair为复数,谓语动词就用复数形式。类似的词组还有one of, the price of等等。正确:This pair of shoes is made of leather.“想当然”之四:I can by bus to there.犯这类错误的同学完全没有词性意识,一味的根据汉语意思翻译,导致错误连连,令人啼笑皆非。by bus为介词短语,只能放在动词后面使用,如go to school by bus。Can后面需要跟动词原形,“乘公共汽车”的动词短语为take the/a bus。另外,there为副词,前面不可加to。正确:I can take the bus there.“想当然”之五:There is an university near here.有些同学看到元音字母就不假思索用冠词an。判断用冠词a还是an根本不取决于元音字母,而是取决于第一个音发的是否为元音音素。university (大学)第一个字母u发的音为/ju/,为辅音,因此,只能用a。类似的词还有:usual,unit,UFO等。;另外,有12个字母前用的是an。- A, E, F, H, I, L, M, N, O, R, S, X。还有,有些辅音字母开头的单词,第一个音发的却是元音,依然用冠词an。如:an hour。正确:There is a university near here.“想当然”之六:The boots are expensive. Do you have a cheaper one?one只能指代可数名词单数形式,而这句的主语为boots,复数形式,不能用one替代。只能用ones,但如果用ones则又跟前面的a相矛盾。所以只能用pair。或者干脆去掉a,然后用ones。正确:The boots are expensive. Do you have a cheaper pair?“想当然”之七:The price of the boots is expensive.修饰price的词不能是expensive和cheap,只能是high和low。还有就是如果用price问价格,只能用What,即What is the price of?正确:The price of the boots is high.“想当然”之八:- How long TV do you watch every day? - Less than an hour.很多同学看到回答,不再考虑直接填How long。殊不知How long后面不能加任何名词,这里的TV显然不符合How long的用法。所以,根据TV我们锁定答案How much。正确:- How much TV do you watch every day? - Less than an hour.“想当然”之九:I hope you to help me.hope没有hope sb to do 的句型,只有hope to do或者hope后面加从句的结构,即hope后面加完整的句子。根据中文,我们只能用第二个句型,即hope后加从句的结构。正确:I hope (that) you can help me.“想当然”之十:- When do you usually go there? - At 8p.m. on October 31st every year, there is a Halloween party there.有同学看到回答涉及到时间,不假思索就选用When了。这些同学没有看到这里的时间是为后面的there is a Halloween party there服务的。正确:- Why do you usually go there? - At 8p.m. on October 31st every year, there is a Halloween party there7A易错题汇总(期末复习归纳之八)词汇:1. My mother never eats mangoes because she _(不喜欢) the smell.2. She is one of the best _(游泳者)of the Swimming Club. 3. Simon and Daniel want to be _(成员)of the Reading Club.4. _(a kind of yellow fruit) taste sour(酸), but mooncakes taste sweet.5. I find it _(not interesting) to learn Maths because it is too difficult. 6. The shopping mall _(close) at 8:00 p.m. every day.7. The party starts at 7:00 p.m. and _ (finish) at 11:00.8. _ (eat) an apple every day is good for your health. 9. Be careful! In front of our bikes _ (lie) a big black dog.10. There are some _(candy) on the table.11. _(每个)of us has our own hobbies.12. Everyone except the twins _(like) reading.13. Can you get some _(information) about the Summer Palace on the Internet?单项选择:( ) 1. Please give us _. A. three bottles of oranges B. some orange C. three bottles of orange juices D. three bottle of orange juice( ) 2. How _ news do you hear at this time of day? A. often B. much C. long D. m
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