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Unit 2 Getting AlongLesson 4 Revise and ImproveREPORTED SPEECHDirect Speech: “It is time to study,” our teacher saidReported Speech: Our teacher said that it was time to study.Lets take a look:This paragraph is in Direct Speech. The spoken verbs are underlined.“Can I go to the park, please?” Li Jun asked.“Is your homework finished?” his mother inquired.“No it isnt,” Li Jun replied.“Well, you cant go until your homework is finished,” she said.“But I want to go now,” cried Li Jun.“You have to finish your homework!” shouted his mom.Lets change it into reported speech. Notice the verbs all change to the past tense: Li Jun asked if he could go to the park. His mother inquired if his homework was finished. He replied that it wasnt. His mother said that he couldnt go until his homework was finished. He cried that he wanted to go then, but his mom shouted that he had to finish his homework.Now You Try: 1. (a) “I really like the new action movie thats playing,” said Liu Chang. (b) “Oh, I really want to see that movie too!” shouted Susan. (a)Liu Chang said that she really liked the new action movie that was playing. (b)Susan shouted that she really wanted to see that movie too. 2. (a) “Have you seen my notebook, Mike?” asked Amy. (b) “I think I did see it!” Mike replied. (a)Amy asked Mike if he had seen her notebook. (b)Mike replied that he thought he had seen it.A Work by Yourself Change these sentences from direct speech to reported speech. e. g. “Theres a mouse in the bathroom,” she screamed. She screamed that there was a mouse in the bathroom. 1. “But, I dont want to go to the dentist,” cried little Timmy.Little Timmy cried but he didnt want to go to the dentist. 2. “Do you have a headache?” the doctor asked. The doctor asked if he had a headache.B Work in Pairs Interview your partner with the following questions:Where do you live?Where did you like before that?How do you travel to school?Do you live with your grandparents?Whats your favorite color?How many books are in your bag?Is English your favorite subject?What do you think about homework?Now, write down your partners replies in your notebook Remember to use Reported Speech! Try to use different ways of describing speech- you can find them in the WORD BANK.My partner said he/ she lived with his/ her parents. I asked him if he lived with his grandparents. He informed me that he wanted to come to my house.C Work as a Group Read your partners answers to the group, and listen as other group members read their partners. Ask questions!I said You said He said She saidWe said. They saidThink about other ways of describing speech:She shouted He told me that They screamed He informed meShe asked if We inquired if She replied三、具体内容: 课文讲解:Listen and Speak Conversations in Context Warm-up A hobby is something you like to do in your spare time. What is your hobby? How often do you do it? How long do you spend doing it each time? 1. Xiaohong, Jennifer, and Xiaohai are talking about hobbies.Jennifer: Xiaohong, what did you do during your summer vacation?Xiaohong: I went swimming. Actually, I started swimming in order to be healthier.Xiaohai: How about you, Jennifer?Jennifer: When I was living in Canada, I used to play the violin.Why did Xiaohong start swimming?What was Jennifers hobby in Canada? 2. Jennifer explains about her new hobby.Xiaohong: Do you still have the same hobby here?Jennifer: No, Ive been learning about drawing pictures. Xiaohai: Thats a good idea.Jennifer: Yes, I want to draw a lot of pictures and send them to my friends.Xiaohai: Is drawing pictures difficult?Jennifer: Its not too difficult. Ive been learning how to sketch, but I havent learned how to color the pictures yet. What is Jennifers new hobby here in China? One your own Are there any new hobbies you wish to have? Could you start your new hobby right away, or would you need some time? If you need time, why? 3. They decide to go see a movie.Xiaohai: (looking at his watch) Lets go see a movie.Jennifer: Okay. What kind of movies do you like most?Xiaohai: I like science fiction films most.Jennifer: Really? Why do you like science fiction films?Xiaohai: Well, they make me use my imagination. I like to think about the future, too.On your ownThere are many kinds of movies. What are they? (Romance, drama, horror, comedy, science fiction, and action, etc.) What is your favorite?【练习易错难解】 1. The doctor worked for _ after twelve oclock. A. two more hours B. another two hourC. two
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