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Unit12 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 6Period 1 (Section A 1a- Grammar Focus) 【教学目标】学会用英语谈论在初中做过的事情。【语法项目】remember的用法。【重点句型】1.I remember meeting all of you in Grade 6.2.I used to have problems speaking English.【课前准备】1 预习课本,了解每一部分的要求。2 在你上小学期间,你有什么特别的记忆和经验吗?3 通过预习你还有什么不明白的地方? 【教学过程】一、学习重点句型:I remember meeting all of you in Grade 6二、由教师和一名较好的学生做一组示范对话,如:T; Do you have any special memories?S: Yes, I remember winning a prize.三、让学生两人一组做对话,并使用1a中的短语,win a prize, get a bad score, be a volunteer, my first English lesson, a friend help me with a problem当学生们在准备对话时,教师巡视并指导。四让学生四人一组做对话,谈论自己在小学的真实经历。然后由小组中的两名同学在课堂上表演对话。五、完成听力内容:1b, 2a, 2b. 在听录音之前,先让学生读一遍课文中出现的关于听力的提示。然后听录音,在听的过程中遇到较难的地方可以给学生适当的提示,听完一遍后,检查学生的答案。(根据学生回答问题的情况决定每一部分是否需要再听一遍。)6、 学生复习课本57页,58页的句型,达到熟练掌握的程度。注意remember doing, have problems doing【课堂反馈】通过这堂课的学习你有什么收获?1 通过这堂课的学习你有什么收获? 2 本节课的重点短语和句型是什么? 3 对于这一部分内容,你还有什么疑问? 随堂练习】一、 翻译词组1 赢得奖杯 - 2 记得做过某事 -3 在做某事方面有困难 -4 过去常常-二、 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1、I remember_(lock) the door, but when I got home, the door was open.2. My brother used to _(get) up late on Sundays.3. Do you have problems _(get) to the top of the mountain?4. He used to _(scare) of a teacher.5. He is looking forward to _ (receive) her letter.【家庭作业】用所学重点短语做对话。Period 2 (Section A 3a-Section A4)学习目标: 1. 通过文章的学习,使学生学会回顾过去,展望未来。2. 知识:理解本单元新词汇, 会用黑体重点词汇。3通过学习本课,使学生对将来做出打算,从而进一步激发他们好好学习。课前准备:1 学生找出课文中的生词并自己查找出解释,阅读课文。你有什么疑问? 3. 课外阅读,读一些名人的故事,你对将来有何展望?学习过程:Step 1 3a1 Students read the text. Ask them draw lines under the words and sentences they dont understand.2 The teacher explains something important to the students.3 Lets do it. Write each of the underlined sentences on the correct timeline .2004 Grade 6 2005 Grade 7 2006 Grade 8 2007 Now Ive been at junior high school since 2004.I made some good friends.(2004 Grade 6)I didnt do so well at school in Grade 6 and Grade 7.I have become more confident. (2006 Grade 8 2007 Now)3b Groupwork你有下面的哪些经历?分组讨论并谈谈自己的经历。having to support the family feeling lonely sickness playing computer games too much bad test result quarrels with friendsdifficulty in getting to sleep too much homework4. Pairwork:Give the students three minutes to prepare their activities.Step2 课堂活动:同学们我们回忆了那么多事情,让我们来整理一下吧。以难忘的回忆为题目,我们来写一篇文章。Step 3. 知识小结: 你认为本课有哪些重要的单词,短语和句子?Words:_Phrases:_Sentences:_Step 4 练习巩固:1 I remember _ (lock) the door, but when I got home, the door was open.2 There is a bag_ (fill) of clothes on the groud.3 My brother used to _ (get) up late on Sundays.4 He did so _ (bad ) in the sports meeting.5 After the exam, he became more _ (confidence)Step 5反馈小结:(1 交流订正练习题, 老师巡视答疑.(2) 回顾本课: 学到了什么?还有什么疑问?Step 6 Homework复习本节课学习到的内容。完成作文“难忘的回忆”Period 3 (Section B 1a-2c)学习目标: 1. 技能: 继续练习使用remember, forget, used to do something, 一般过去时和现在完成时讨论发生的事情;练习使用look forward to doing something, be going to, Id like to, I hope to谈论将来想做的事情。2. 情感态度与学习策略: 鼓励学生完整得叙述记忆中的事情,并保存美好回忆,戒掉不良习惯;通过让学生说自己今后的打算,培养学生有理想有目标,并为之做科学合理的安排。课前准备:1.预习:通过预习, 你存在哪些疑问?-2.思考:毕业后你有何打算?-学习过程:1. 交流预习情况:(1) 小组交流预习中存在的问题。(2) 说说你今后的打算。2. 学习策略培养:(1) What are you looking forward to doing after you graduate?Example:Im looking forward to going to senior high school. I hope to pass the entrance examination.-(2) Work in pairs. (教师巡视)Write about what you would like to do in the future. Share with your partner.Id like to_ (3) 各组在班内交流,其他学生请记录(至少5种打算)。-
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