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新目标解读八年级下册第八单元知识点解析Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?一.重点词组1. 幸运儿 lucky guy2. 做一顿特别的饭 make a special meal3. 你自己的选择 your own choices4. 大腹便便的猪 a pot-bellied pig5. 好伙伴 good company6. 带某人出去 take sb. out to do7. 睡着 fall asleep8. 半途中 half way9. 树上的一片叶子 a leaf from a tree10. 赠送 give away11. 公园长椅 park bench12. 试着做某事 try to do sth.13. 通过不同的方式 in different ways14. 来自于中国各地 from across China=from all over China15. 在舞台上 on stage16. 各种年龄层 all age groups17. 鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb. to do sth.18. 取得进步 make progress19. 奥委会 the Olympic Committee20. 从中得到乐趣 have fun with sth.21. 讲本族语的人 native speakers22. 使某人对某事感兴趣 make sb. interested in23. 与其(不如)rather than二.交际用语1. What should I get for sb?2. How about sth./doing sth.?3. How do you like sth.?4. What about sth./doing sth.?5. Why dont you buy/get?6. Why not buy/get?7. Theyre too expensive/cheap/personal8. Great!/Good idea!/OK. Ill get/buy9. My best gift is10. Its good for sb. to11. It can make sb.三.重点难点释义1. How about ? What about ?这两种句式都可以用来向他人提出建议,表示“怎么样?” “你认为如何?”,后面连接名词或者动名词(动词ing形式)。eg:-How about going to the movies?去看电影怎么样?-What about a lovely dog?一个可爱的小狗你认为如何?2. Why dont you ? Why not ?这两种句式都是反问语气,表示“为什么不”,也可以用来向别人提出建议,后面连接动词原形。eg:-Why dont you go with us? = Why not go with us?为何不跟我们一块呢?3. Whats the best gift he/she has ever received?“他/她曾经收到的最好的礼物是什么?”这里“he/she has ever received”是一个现在完成时的句子,充当gift的定语从句,省略从句引导词that。4. compare v. 比较;相比compare + 名 + with / to + 名用于比较的情形时,通常用with, 用于比喻时常用to。eg:-Compared with (to) her twin sister Jenny, Fanny is tall.与她的孪生妹妹Jenny相比,Fanny高。5. comment n. 评论;解释;说明eg:-He made few comments on that movie. 对于那部电影他没说什么。-No comment! (对于询问)无可奉告!6. personal adj. 私人的,个人的,亲自的,针对个人的eg:-a personal letter 私人信件-personal opinions 个人意见-a personal interview 亲自会见7. graduation n. 毕业;毕业典礼 graduate v. 毕业eg:-After the graduation from college, he worked in a small company.大学毕业后,他在一家小公司工作。8. name v. 叫做;称作;取名eg:-What are the parents going to name the baby?那对父母打算给孩子取什么名字?-Emily was named after her grandmother.Emily是以她奶奶的名字命名的。9. tooto 太而不能eg:-George is too young to go to school.乔治还太小,不能上学。-Grandpa is too old to read by himself.爷爷太老了,不能自已读书看报了。这一句型可用sothat代替,而that后的从句多用否定句。上面两个句子可换成:-George is so young that he cant go to school.-Grandpa is so old that he cant read by himself.10. pro n 赞成;赞成的理由con n. 反对,反对的理由eg:-pro-American 亲美派the pros and cons 正反两面的意见11. much too “太,过于”,修饰形容词副词 too much “太多”,修饰不可数名词 too many “太多”,修饰可数名词eg:-The street is much too crowded.大街上太挤了。-Dont spend too much money on clothing.不要花太多的钱在衣着上。-There are too many monkeys for me to count.猴子太多,我数不过来。12. present n.礼物present指礼物的一般性用语,gift是稍正式的用法。另外,present还可以作为形容词,表示“现在的;出席的”。这里有一首小诗介绍给大家:Yesterday is a history,Tomorrow is a mystery,Only today is a gift,Thats why it is called present.四.语法知识(一)如何给别人提出建议和意见的常用句型1、 询问对方意见:What shall we do tonight?询问对方意见的说法还有: What should I?( should表示请求、征询对方意见)eg.: What should I get my dad for his birthday? 我该送给爸爸什么作为他的生日礼物呢? What should I get my sister for her birthday?2、提出建议: How about (doing something?) going to a movie?eg. : What shall we do this afternoon? How about going for a walk?提出建议的句型还有:1)what about? (about是个介词,可跟名词或动名词)2)How about?eg.: How about a watch? 一块手表怎么样? How/what about the photo album? 一个像册怎么样? How/what about going to the theatre? How about getting her a scarf? 买条围巾送给她怎么样?3)Why dont you do something?4) Why not do something?5) You should/could do something.6) You should (not) do something.7) Youd better (not) do something.8) What about doing sth.?eg.: Why dont you buy a sweater? Why not get a digital camera? You should/could take some exercise every day. You shouldnt eat too much. Its very hot today. Youd better stay at home. Youd better not quarrel with others. What about going out for a picnic?在提出建议做什么事情之后,就会有人发表看法进行比较。如:How about Star Wars?Thats a great movie! I heard the Star Wars is pretty good.3、发表看法时可以用Thats这个句型。eg.: Thats too expensive.Thats too boring.Thats too personal. 那太个性化了。Thats too not interesting enough. 那不够有趣。Thats too not friendly enough. 那不够友好。表示看法或意见的说法还有:Good idea.It sounds good/great.Shell like it. 她会喜欢这个的。在发表看法时,还可以用感叹句来表示:What a lucky girl! 多么幸运的女孩!(二)感叹句感叹句可由what或how引导,what后面感叹的部分中心词为名词,而how感叹的部分一般为形容词或副词。在一个句子中,感叹的部分提到what或how的后边,其余成分不变。注意主谓不倒装。eg.: What a beautiful flower this is! (原句为:This is a beautiful flower.)How smart they are! (原句为:They are smart.)Do you like small animals?常见的大家认为比较可爱的动物有: dog, cat, goldfish, parrot, turtle(乌龟), hamster(仓鼠)比较scary的动物,如:mouse, spider(蜘蛛), snake, lizard(蜥蜴)等。They need a lot of love. And you should
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