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8A Unit 5 巩固练习一. 词汇运用A.根据汉语或首字母提示填写单词.1. I would like to become a b_ because I like birds and nature very much.2. I think it is important for us to p_ birds.iu3. Golden eagles have b_ feathers and broad wings, dont they?4. Do swallows fly to n_ countries in summer?5. His father is working for _ (大自然) reserve in Jiangsu.6. Zhalong _(提供) food and shelter for wild life.7. Many people dont understand the _(重要性) of wetlands.8. We hope this _(信息)will make them take a_ to protect wildlife.9. Zhalong is the home of a lot of plants and animals, i_ different kinds of birds.10. Providing food and s_ for endangered birds is not the only reason for us to protect wetlands.11. The reserve has an a_ of more than 210000 hectares.12. My grandparents lived in _ (东北) China before.13. My new classmate is _(不友好)to me.14. If we dont take action to protect polar bear, they will be in _(危险).15. Do you want to _(加入) the Birdwatching Club?16. Can you give me the r_ why you were late for school this morning?17. You can do many things in this park, for e_, going boating.18. Amy is _(感兴趣)in reading French novels.19. I can hear birds _(唱歌)outside the classroom now.20. There will _(有)a basketball match in our school this coming Saturday.21. Wetlands are very i_ because it can prevent flood.22. He always tells lies, He is d_.23. It is i_ for us to succeed without effort.24. His h_ is collecting stamps.25. Bob is good at running and he runs f_ in his class.B.根据英文解释填写单词1. Zhalong is one of the most important _(areas of land with wet ground) in the world.2. The area _(gives sth to sb) food and shelter for wildlife.3. The Chinese government should protect these _(in a dangerous state) birds.4. There are a lot of _(people who are travelling) visiting Zhalong every year.5. Zhalong can provide food and _(a place to stay or live) for wildlife.6. China should build more _(areas of land where wild animals can live without being hunted ) to protect wildlife.7. Nothing can _(stop sb from doing )us from taking action to protect wild animals.8. Dont throw _(rubbish ; waste things) in a public place .9. Today is fine. The sun is _(give out light ;be bright ) in the sky.10. It must rain just now, because the ground is _(not dry ).11. Watching TV is my favourite _ (sth. one enjoys doing in ones free time ).12. His words are based on lots of _(things that are true; things that have happened).C.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.He told us _(walk)_(quiet) so that we did not _(frightened) the birds.2. Eddie, Im going _ (birdwatch) at the market. What about you?3. Vane has a _ (gold) coat.4. Are there many _ (live) areas for pandas now?5. If you eat _ (little) and exercise _ (much), you can become healthier.6. Everyone should do sth to protect the _ (endanger) animals and help them out of _ (danger).7. How often do you go to the cinema? _(one) a month.8. A lot of _ (tour) go to Zhalong to watch birds every year.9. The doctors are taking _ (act) to save the dying people.10. Our teachers often tell us the _ (important) of being an honest man.11. We are busy _ (get ) ready for our lessons.12. Jack didnt take his subjects _ (serious), so he failed to pass the exam.13. Jane writes _ (careful) in our class.14. How _ (heavy) it is raining!15. We are _ (deep) sorry for this thing.16. _ (not drop) litter carelessly.17. Are they interested in _ (play) badminton?18. Listen! The music _ (sound) beautiful.19. Tom with his friends _ (plant) trees when I saw him.20. Thousands of visitors go to Zhalong _ (go) birdwatching every year.21. Amy studies hard and she is _ (good) student in her class.22. It is _ (possible) for us to finish so much homework in one week.23. You cant believe what he told you because he is _ (honest).24. Peter is much _ (strong) than Kitty.25. September is the _ (nine) month of the year.26. I would rather _ (watch) TV than go shopping with you.27. It is warmer in southern areas than in _(north) areas.28. He failed in this English test because of his _ (careful) work.29. What prevented you from _(come) to my birthday party yesterday?30. I like all kinds of music, _ (include) classical music.1. 单项选择( )1. There _ a new English film this evening. A. are going to have B. are going to be C. is going to have D. is going to be( )2. The meat smells_. A. well B. wonderfully
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